Hated - Chapter 7

NarutoXBleach Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was taken under the wing of few powerful people who trained him to take care of himself, however the bad treatment of the villagers caused him to develop deep hatred for them and his love for the village disappeared, now he's powerful enough to take care of himself and few people he holds dear. NarutoXHarem, Evil Naruto.

"Kyūbi/Hollow speaking"
"Zanpakutō spirit speaking"
Technique name

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.

Chapter 7: The Test

(July 20 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Konohagakure)

Kakashi stared in shock as orange lightnings danced on Naruto's body, without any hesitation he pulled up his headband revealing his scarred left eye that opened showing a Sharingan, Kakashi pulled out a kunai with both of his hands and took a stance which caused Naruto to smirk. Kakashi felt movement in the trees around them and became worried about his safety for a second before he shook his head.

'He's just a fresh Gennin, I shouldn't be too worried, just using Fūton techniques should be enough.' Kakashi thought and nodded to himself, when he looked up at Naruto he with fear noticed that the blond wasn't there.

'What?! I just blinked and he's not there, just who taught him.' Kakashi began to frantically look around and his grip on the kunai tightened, he felt a movement behind him and quickly rolled to the right just as Naruto crashed into the ground where he once stood, not wasting any time Kakashi threw the kunai at Naruto and went through a series of hand seals.

"Fūton: Daitoppa! (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)" Kakashi shouted, he took a deep breath and released a powerful stream of wind at Naruto who quickly faced him and performed a 'tiger' hand seal.

"Katon: Karyūdan! (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet)" Naruto within a second spewed out a stream of fire that, even with the strong wind blowing in the opposite direction, enlarged due to nature advantage and flew at slightly stunned Kakashi, who was already in the middle of performing another technique. The flames were hot enough to completely melt the kunai.

"Suiton: Suijinheki! (Water Release: Water Formation Wall)" Kakashi spewed out a stream of water in front of himself that quickly formed a wall of water that stopped the flames from reaching him, much to his horror however the flames keep coming, forcing him to constantly resupplying the water. After few seconds the flames stopped coming and Kakashi was about to release the technique when something crashed into the wall and burst out of it, it was nothing else than Naruto with his lightning armor, a smirk on his face as his hand reached at Kakashi's face.

"Got you!" Naruto shouted and caught Kakashi's face, Naruto raised him slightly before slamming him into the ground which created a rather deep crater, a testament to Naruto's strength. Naruto smirked for a second but when 'Kakashi' exploded into a cloud of smoke Naruto frowned, the only thing laying in the crater was a wooden log.

'Right, Kawarimi...cheap trick but very useful.' Naruto thought and looked around, then his senses kicked in when he felt a natural electricity of a human body directly beneath him, he quickly jumped but Kakashi's hands shot out from the ground and tightly grabbed his ankles despite the armor of lightning shocking him, before Naruto could do anything Kakashi dragged him beneath the ground so only his head was visible, Naruto immediately burst out with a poof of smoke showing that he was a clone, the real Naruto jumped into the air from the trees and prepared to deliver an axe-kick on the ground, Kakashi's Kage Bunshin that was observing it in hiding dispelled, transferring the memory to the original.

"Take that!" Naruto shouted and axe-kicked the ground creating a small tremor and shattering a good part of the field they are fighting, Kakashi quickly jumped out from beneath the ground and jumped back as Naruto was already at him with his energy blade, if Kakashi was slower that slash could easily take off his head. Kakashi took out a kunai and coated it with wind-natured chakra, he blocked a slash from Naruto but the blade of energy slowly began to cut through the kunai much to Kakashi's bewilderment, Kakashi quickly created some distance between Naruto and himself before he threw the kunai at Naruto and started a series of hand seals.

"Like I'd let you!" Naruto shouted and appeared in font of Kakashi, seeing Naruto's hands only inches from his face was slightly disturbing for Kakashi but something else caught his attention, looking to his right Kakashi saw something that froze him in place. Calmly sunbathing at the edge of the forest clearing was Kurumi, however what caught Kakashi's complete attention was the fact that she was sunbathing naked and the only piece of clothing she wore is a black thong that barely covers her womanhood.

His Sharingan burned the image of her chest into his mind even as Naruto finally grabbed his head and slammed him into the ground like before, this time however Kakashi didn't have time for Kawarimi. Kakashi glanced at Naruto who raised his left palm and slammed it down at his chest.

"Ame ga Futte! (Raining hand)" Naruto shouted as he slammed his palm at Kakashi's chest, for a second nothing happened but then a perfectly circular crater appeared under Kakashi that had at lest three meters in radius and a dust shot out in to the air. Kurumi's ears perked up at this as she raised slightly and looked at the cloud of dust.

"Oh my...this fight is over it seems." She said lazily and laid back down, the cloud of dust cleared after few seconds and revealed Naruto standing over a downed Kakashi, Naruto bend down and took the bells from Kakashi who groaned loudly.

"Naruto...I can't move." He said weakly, Naruto sighed and picked Kakashi up before setting him on his right shoulder.

"Of course you can't, that last move was meant for immobilizing strong targets, you should be up and running after a good rest." At that Kakashi groaned once more, Naruto turned toward Kurumi and smirked upon the sight of her naked body.

"Oh, so that's why you lost, pervert." At that comment Kakashi only growled in irritation.

"Kurumi, let's go!" Naruto said loudly catching her attention, she quickly stood up and dressed before walking up to Naruto. Just then the other two members of his team arrived and gasped at the sight, the training ground was more or less destroyed and Kakashi, their teacher, was defeated.

"Banshee, Duckass, let's go, the test is over." Naruto said and showed them the bells, Sakura was staring at everything in shock while Sasuke glared at Naruto.

"Wait!" Sakura screeched, gaining everyone attention.

"What about the test?! One of use without the bell was going to be send back to Academy!" Naruto sighed and shook his head.

"Each new team have three Gennin at it, this test purpose was teamwork but I got slightly carried away in my fight...anyway, let's meet here tomorrow at 7 AM, right, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto said casually and Kakashi grunted slightly, Naruto began to walk away with Kurumi right beside him, Sasuke only gritted his teeth in anger before he walked home with Sakura following him and asking him on a date.

Naruto and Kurumi quickly drop off Kakashi at the hospital and left but even then they met with Retsu who started working there, after a small chat they went separate ways, Naruto and Kurumi toward their apartment and Retsu back to work.

"So...What do you think about her?" Kurumi asked after few moments of silence to which Naruto just sighed.

"I hate to admit it but she could wipe the floor with me without any problems, you also can feel her power, can't you?" Kurumi nodded with a short growl.

"Yeah, that woman is terrifying, she's just like that bitch Mito." Kurumi spat the name with so much venom that Naruto flinched slightly.

"You never told me what happened, why you hate her so much?" At Naruto's question Kurumi send him a blank look.

"She sealed me, if it was in a fair fight then I wouldn't resent her that much...but she sealed me up when I was weakened, good thing she's dead." Kurumi said with a huff, she looked at Naruto and smirked after few seconds.

"You know...how about a threesome..." Kurumi whispered which immediately caused Naruto to freeze in place, his eyes going wide in disbelieve.

"You mean...you and...Liz...or Anko?" He asked carefully, Kurumi closed her eyes and hummed in thought for few seconds before opening her eyes and grinning from ear to ear.

"Liz-chan, is that alright with you?" Naruto immediately nodded at the question to which Kurumi nodded in satisfaction.

"Then let's go get Liz-chan, she should take a break from time to time." After she said that Kurumi grabbed Naruto by his arm and started to drag him toward the Konoha's Library.

(July 21 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Konohagakure)

The sound of someone knocking at his door roused Naruto from his sleep, he groaned and slowly opened his eyes and looking around. His room looked like a total mess, clothes laid sprawled on the floor everywhere he could see, slowly, Naruto tried to sat up but a weight on his chest held him down. He slowly looked down and immediately the memories of last night returned to him, lying on his chest was Kurumi AND Lizbeth, both naked under the sheets just like he is.

'Damn, that was one hell of a night, we REALLY need to repeat that.' Naruto thought and carefully untangled himself from the grip his mates had on him, the girls quickly snuggled into the place he once occupied. After getting up he quickly dressed and went to his door to answer, opening them he was surprised to see an purple haired ANBU with a cat-like mask.

"Uzumaki-san, Hokage-sama have an announcement to make for the whole village, your presence is most important." At that Naruto blinked once...then twice...finally he asked the best thing he could.

"...What?" That not very inteligent question caused the ANBU to sigh,

"Hokage-sama wanted to make an announcement to the whole village at 10 AM, he want you present there." Naruto slowly nodded and the ANBU disappeared in a Shunshin, Naruto sighed and closed the door before returning to the bedroom, he immediately smiled when he saw his mates sleeping peacefully in bed.

'I want everything to stay like this forever.' Naruto thought with a smile on his face and looked at the clock hanging on the wall, he sighed and shook his head slightly.

'I should better go now.' Naruto walked out from the bedroom and out of his apartment, he locked the door and began to walk toward the training ground 7.

Much to everyone shock Kakashi arrived on time...which greatly disturbed both Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto however stood there with a triumphant smirk on his face. Kakashi blinked few times upon seeing Sakura and Sasuke crouching against the nearby tree and shaking in fear, he looked at Naruto and pointed at his other two students.

"What happened to them?" Kakashi asked in confusion before the smirk on Naruto's face went wider.

"Maybe they're terrified that someone arrived on time." At that Kakashi raised his eyebrow.

"What do you mean, it's around 10 in the morning." Just as Kakashi finished Naruto began to laugh madly, Sakura and Sasuke perked up at that and looked at Naruto like he was crazy. After few minutes of laughing Naruto calmed down and shook his head.

"Kakashi, you didn't realize that I tinkered with your alarm clock?" The rest of Team 7 and Kakashi stared at Naruto blankly for several seconds before Kakashi sighed and shook his head.

"Well, anyway...today we don't have time to do much as Hokage-sama have an announcement to make for the whole village, gather on the main square at 10 AM except you Naruto, you are needed at the top of Hokage tower." At the last part Sasuke shot a glare at Naruto.

'What!? That dope is needed while I'm not! Like hell!' Sasuke thought and stood up to protest, however everyone quickly turned toward the path Kakashi came from when they heard someone walking toward them, Sakura paled and Sasuke smirked when they saw Kurumi walked toward them with a light limp. Kakashi immediately knew what happened and gave Naruto an eye-smile followed by a thumb up which Naruto quickly returned. Naruto's other 'teammates' were confused as to what happened just now.

"Mou! Naruto-kun, it's not nice to leave a woman alone in bed you know!" Kurumi shouted from the distance, Naruto chuckled and shook his head slightly.

"I just couldn't wake you up Ku-hime, besides, you aren't very friendly after waking up." Kurumi pouted slightly as she walked up to Naruto.

"It's not my fault, you always get up early and I need my beauty sleep." Naruto smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer.

"You know I can't help it, besides, you always find a way to keep me in bed." Naruto smirked along with Kurumi, they were about to continue when Kakashi cleared his throat.

"You two can do that after we finish here." Kakashi said at which Kurumi pouted.

"Killjoy." She muttered and snuggled closer to Naruto, Kakashi just sighed and shook his head lightly.

"Anyway, as I was saying before Hokage-sama have a very important announcement to make, that's why be at the main square before 10 Am, that's all, you two can continue." With that said Kakashi turned around and began to walk away. Naruto smirked and tightened his grip on Kurumi, the two of them was suddenly enveloped in a cloud of black miasma-like smoke, the smoke stayed for few seconds before dispersing, showing that both Naruto and Kurumi were gone. Sasuke growled at the placed Naruto stood before he just walked away with Sakura following right behind him like a loyal pet.

Gin watched the crowd from the top of Hokage tower, his eyes and face devoid of any emotions.

'I can't believe Minato wants to reveal Naruto's heritage in front of the whole village, Naruto didn't want that...and that old fossil Shimura is still alive...well...he was always paranoid, no wonder he left a decoy inside his base.' Gin thought and turned, looking at all the gathered. Standing behind him was Minato, Kushina, Danzō, Homura, Koharu and the Jōnin. He frowned slightly when Naruto didn't show up.

'Strange, he should be here by now.' Just as Gin finished his thought a black cloud appeared at the roof from which Naruto walked out followed by Kurumi, Naruto was slightly exhausted and Kurumi was practically glowing. Gin smirked upon seeing this.

"Oh my, you two were rather busy I presume." That comment earned him a glare from Naruto and a chuckle from Kurumi.

"Trust me, we were nowhere near the end." Kushina sighed and shook her head while Minato frowned slightly.

"I can guess, anyway, it's about time." Gin said and turned back to the crowd.

"People of Konoha!" Gin said with his chakra enhanced voice.

"There is something all of you know about a certain day 15 years ago, the day when Kyūbi attacked our village!" At that many people began whispering around.

"That day, our beloved Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, sacrificed his life to seal Kyūbi inside his own son...that son is Naruto Uzumaki." Some people said a few spiteful comments about the 'Demon' but they were quickly dealt with by the ANBU.

"However, few days ago I learned about something important...our Yondaime is alive and what was his 'death' was actually a coma." Many people began looking around which Gin easily noticed.

"In fact, he is right here, Minato, come closer." Minato stepped beside Gin, his haori gone. People immediately began cheering for their hero but Minato stopped them by rising his hand.

"As you can all see I'm back, however not as a Hokage but as a normal Jōnin of Konoha. What Hokage-sama wanted to tell was not only about my return but also about my son being officially chosen as a clan head of the Uzumaki clan." When Minato said that everything became quiet, people stared at him in shock for several seconds before someone brave, or stupid, shouted.

"Are you kidding, you let that monster be a clan head!" Obviously, the one who said that was dealt with quickly and mercilessly which shocked everyone around. Minato frowned at them.

"My son is NOT a monster! Kyūbi was under a Genjutsu, a Genjutsu that only a Sharingan is capable of!" That caused everyone to stop and look at their previous Hokage.

"Actually, Kyūbi is right here with us." When Minato said that Gin face-palmed and groaned, Minato turned toward Kurumi but only met a fist to his face, courtesy of an enraged Naruto whose eyes turned red. The punch was actually strong enough to send Minato flying off the roof.

"What do you think you are doing you bastard, leave Kurumi out of this." Naruto yelled after Minato who regained some composure and used Hiraishin(Flying Thunder God) to appear back at the roof holding his nose.

"Why did you do that?! I only want to help you!" Minato shouted at Naruto who glared at him.

"Is this another one of your 'Oh so great' ideas?! Like thinking that this maggots down there would treat me like a FUCKING HERO for having Kurumi sealed inside me." That comment stopped Minato from saying anything more, he just looked down at his feet and stayed silent. Naruto huffed and gently took Kurumi's hand before glaring at Minato one last time.

"Remember one thing, if you ever hurt Kurumi or any of my mates...you will die." With that said Naruto and Kurumi were enveloped by the black cloud, the sign of his Anshiya being used, Kushina placed a hand on her mouth in shock, she couldn't imagine how Naruto hated Minato to outright threaten him in front of the village. Many people saw Kurumi and immediately know who she was.

Naruto closed the door to his apartment with a sigh, the bad feeling he was getting this morning turned out to be true and now it's too late to change anything.

"Naru-kun, don't worry about it, everything will be fine." Kurumi said calmly and hugged Naruto who sighed once more.

"I know Ku-hime, it's just hard for me to not kill that man, besides, with him around we need to alter our plan slightly." Naruto said seriously, Kurumi just smiled and gave him a light peck on his lips.

"It's not that bad you know, after all nothing will stand in your way." At that Naruto smiled.

"You know, you're right..." Naruto stopped suddenly and looked in the direction of his bedroom.

"...you know...how about..." He didn't get to finish as Kurumi was already leaning against the doorway completely naked.

"Are you coming or what, I still don't have enough after last night." Naruto cringed slightly at her words, he already knew that his hips will be hurting like hell next day.


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