Hated - Chapter 2

NarutoXBleach Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was taken under the wing of few powerful people who trained him to take care of himself, however the bad treatment of the villagers caused him to develop deep hatred for them and his love for the village disappeared, now he's powerful enough to take care of himself and few people he holds dear. NarutoXHarem, Evil Naruto.

"Kyūbi/Hollow speaking"
"Zanpakutō spirit speaking"
Technique name

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.

Chapter 2: Graduation and a Trip.

(July 15 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack)

Inside the Hokage office Gin Ichimaru is by the window overlooking the village, through this 15 years he hadn't changed much except the fact that now he has 186 cm in height and his eyes are constantly narrowed and he's always smiling. He wears black kimono shirt, dark gray ANBU-styled pants, black strapped-up shinobi sandals and red sash tied around his waist to which a wakizashi with light blue hilt is tied, however now he also wears long white haori with kanji for 
'fifth Hokage' along with a customary hat on top of his head, in his right hand is long, lit up pipe. He took a drag and held the smoke in for few seconds before letting it out, just then a knock on the door brought him up from his musing.

"Enter." Gin said in a cheerful tone, a man with spiky silver hair, dark grey eyes, and a relaxed, heavy-lidded expression entered the office.

"Ah, Kakashi-kun, what brought you here?" Gin asked in his constantly cheerful tone, Kakashi tensed slightly at this, he know that Gin is much more powerful than him and the feeling in the back of his mind forced him to become especially careful.

"Hokage-sama, I wanted to ask if you could let Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki on my team, both of them are exceptionally talented so I'm sure than they will pass tomorrow." Kakashi said happily while Gin's smile dropped at his words and his eyes opened slightly wider, Kakashi felt his life flash before his eyes. Gin took a drag from his pipe and let out the smoke after few seconds.

"Watch your words Hatake-san, Sasuke is one thing but I won't let Naruto into incompetent hands, especially with Kyūbi, from what Naruto told me she can be quiet irritable at times." At that Kakashi's eyes went wide.

"H-he contacted Kyūbi? When?" He asked as his fists tightened, Gin saw that and his usual visage came back, he sat down in his chair and took another drag from his pipe.

"Kyūbi was controlled back then, I had already forgiven her as did Naruto." Gin let out a chuckle at that.

"They are on very good terms actually." Kakashi calmed down slightly and looked at the Hokage with all seriousness.

"Then Hokage-sama, what about the reports from people about his behavior?" Kakashi asked, Gin's smile dropped again.

"That's their fault, they wanted a demon and Naruto is more than happy to gave them one, he won't take shit from people anymore." At that Kakashi's eyes widened once more.

"Then...he don't have any loyalty toward the village...toward what Sensei cherished above everything." Gin chuckled at that.

"Of course he don't, what were you expecting with people treating him like that, if he holds any loyalty then it's for me and his friends." Gin took another drag from his pipe, he turned around in his chair and looked through the window.

"Be warned, you better make sure to teach Naruto properly or you will get Shinsō into your heart." Kakashi knowing that Hokage allowed Naruto on his team bowed and quickly left, Gin chuckled and slightly opened his eyes.

'This world, it seem to be so calm right now...I wonder how Rangiku is doing.' He mussed to himself, just then another knock sounded from his door causing Gin to sigh.

'For fuck sake, a man can't even relax for a second!' Gin raged inwardly, he calmed himself and turned toward the door.

"Enter." Gin said, the doors opened and Naruto walked in with a scowl on his face.

"Nii-sama, do you know that weirdo with silver hair, he was creeping the shit out of me." Gin chuckled and gestured toward the couch by the wall on his right, Naruto nodded his appreciation and sat down.

"Yes I know him, Hatake Kakashi will be your sensei...if he prove himself worthy that is." A smirk appeared on Naruto's face.

"Now that's Nii-sama I know, always planning, never doing something recklessly...so, how you threatened him?" Naruto asked, the ANBU hidden in the shadows tensed, Gin chuckled and took a drag from his pipe.

"Shinsō to the heart, for those who know what it is works every damn time." Naruto began to laugh at that, soon Gin began to chuckle, for ANBU hidden around the room this sight was beyond terrifying. After several seconds both of them calmed down and looked at each other, Gin reached inside the desk and pulled out a jug of sake followed by two saucers, he set everything on the table and gestured for the chair before his desk.

"Come drink with me Naruto-kun, company is something an old person like me needs." Naruto chuckled at that.

"No shit Nii-sama, drinking with someone is a show of mutual respect, drinking alone is a problem." Naruto said sitting down on the chair, Gin poured the sake to each saucer and put it down, he looked at Naruto and smirked.

"So...how good Anko was."

(July 16 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - graduation day)

Naruto growled as he walked down the streets of Konoha holding his head, unfortunately when he get drunk Kyūbi also get drunk so she couldn't purge the alcohol from his system, that's why the headache is killing him.

'Kyū-chan...are you okay?' Naruto asked weakly, his brain not functioning at full power. Kyūbi let out a long chain of profanities before groaning, a sound similar to something heavy slamming into the brick wall sounded out inside Naruto's head.

'Okay, that answers my question.' Naruto thought sarcastically which only earned him a growl.

"Fuck you!" Kyūbi said angrily, Naruto smirked.

'Every time.' He replied back smugly, Kyūbi just stayed silent. Soon Naruto arrived into the academy and found his classroom, ignoring the looks he was getting Naruto walked to his usual seat beside Hinata, today however his seat was already occupied.

"Come on Hinata, forget about this looser and go out with me, what's so great about him anyway?" Naruto growled at this.

"Mutt...I said something before didn't I, get away from Hinata." Naruto said coldly, the temperature around him quickly dropped causing few people near them to shiver. Kiba upon seeing Naruto quickly get off the chair and ran toward his previous seat in the corner, just then the temperature returned to normal.

"Tsk, looser." Naruto muttered under his breath and sat down beside Hinata who immediately brightened.

"Naruto-kun." She greeted him happily, Naruto glanced at her and smiled slightly.

"Good morning Hinata-chan, how was your training?" He asked calmly, Hinata blushed slightly and began to play with her fingers.

"G-good, fa-father said that I'm making good progress." When she said that Naruto chuckled.

"That's my Hinata, here." He placed a paper bag on the desk in front of her, Hinata took a sniff and her eyes went wide open, faster than anyone could see Hinata opened the bag and began munching on the cinnamon roll that was inside, Shikamaru smirked at that.

"You're a big softy Naruto." He said teasingly and lay back down on the desk, Naruto blushed lightly and looked away from everyone.

"Shut up." He muttered, just then Iruka walked inside but to everyone surprise Mizuki wasn't there.

"Iruka-sensei, where is Mizuki-sensei?" Ino asked, Iruka sighed and shook his head.

"Mizuki was executed for treason, that's all I can tell." When he said that many people gasped however Naruto began to grin, showing his slightly pointed teeth.

"Anyway, today are the final exams, first will be the writing test." Many people groaned at that, Iruka ignored them and in a poof of smoke a stack of papers appeared in his hands, he placed the stack on his desk and looked over the students.

"We start now."

An hour later everyone waited for Iruka to check the test and tell who the Rookie of the year will be.

"Alright everyone." Iruka said loudly while standing up, he pulled out a piece of paper and smiled.

"The Rookie of the year for boys is..." At that Sasuke smirked at Naruto and stood up, fangirls were about to shout in excitement when...

"...Naruto Uzumaki." At that everything stopped, Sasuke blinked once, then twice, finally his confusion was replaced by anger.

"WHAT?! That clan-less dobe did better than me?! An Uchiha?!" Sasuke shouted, Iruka sighed and looked at him sternly.

"Sasuke, sit down...I will not tolerate that attitude in my class." At that Sasuke growled but decided not to argue, Naruto's little group all cheered for Naruto...except Shikamaru who muttered a quick 'knew it'. Sakura, one of Sasuke's most loyal fangirl shook in anger.

'How dare he, humiliating Sasuke-kun like that, who does he think he is.' She thought angrily, 
Sasuke's thought were very similar.

"Mmmm...such anger radiating in this class, it's making me wet." Kyūbi said inside Naruto's head which brought a smile to his face.

'You know what, fuck Sandaime, after I get my headband I'm going to visit Urahara-sensei and I will give him so much of your chakra that he will be finished with your body in no time.' Naruto thought, Kyūbi squealed in delight and began shouting 'I love you' over and over again, Naruto turned her out and looked at his friends.

"It's not a big deal guys, I was just studying instead of brooding all day." Naruto said calmly, Sasuke heard that and just growled.

"Now, the Rookie of the year for girls is Hyūga Hinata." At that Sakura was the one to stand up.

"WHAT?! How is that possible, I should get perfect score for this test!" Iruka sighed once more before he send a glare at Sakura.

"Miss Haruno, I won't repeat myself, true you NEARLY get a perfect score, 99 points is nearly perfect but miss Hinata scored a perfect 100, just deal with it...besides, there is still one part of the final exam, if by any chance miss Hinata fail it then the Rookie title goes to you. Now, everyone go outside the classroom, the final test will be done in private." When Iruka said that everyone walked out side the classroom, after few minutes Iruka opened the door.

"Shikamaru Nara." He said simply and walked inside with Shikamaru following behind and closing the door.

"It will be a while." Naruto said simply, everyone from his group nodded.

Hinata walked out from the classroom with a smile on her and a headband tied around her neck, unlike anyone else however her headband was different, it has black cloth along with black metal instead of normal one and the village symbol was gold. Naruto smiled even wider upon seeing her.

"Good job Hinata, I knew you could do this." Naruto said and patted her head causing the girl to blush and began to play with her fingers.

"N-Naruto-kun..." Hinata muttered but soon she closed her eyes and relished in the sensation on her head.

"M...munyya..." A strange yet very cute sound escaped her mouth causing Naruto to freeze, when Hinata noticed what happened she covered her mouth and run off.

"Naruto, you're last." Iruka said and walked back inside, when Naruto didn't follow Iruka looked back and saw shocked Naruto with a blush on his face.

'That...was...so FUCKING adorable!' Naruto shouted inside his head, Kyūbi huffed at that.

"I...I think so too...damn that girl, now I'm getting soft." Kyūbi muttered the last part under her breath. Naruto snapped out from his stupor and shook his head, he walked inside the classroom and saw Iruka sitting behind his desk, smiling at him.

"Now Naruto, perform a Kawarimi no Jutsu(Body Replacement Technique), Henge no Jutsu(Transformation Technique), Bunshin no Jutsu(Clone Technique) of any type and one more Jutsu of your choice." Naruto nodded in understanding and disappeared in a poof of smoke, in his place a wooden log fall onto the floor.

"Is that good enough?" Naruto asked from behind Iruka, he nodded and Naruto walked back into the front of Iruka's desk.

"Good, Kawarimi performed, now Henge." Naruto nodded and performed a series of three hand seals.

"Henge no Jutsu." Naruto said calmly and a cloud of smoke enveloped him, the cloud quickly dispersed and right before Iruka stood Gin Ichimaru in his Hokage robes, Iruka stood up and examined the Henge up close, nodding in satisfaction Iruka gave Naruto a thumb up, Naruto once more was enveloped in a cloud and returned back to normal. Naruto crossed index and middle finger of both of his hands.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." Naruto said the name of the technique and five small clouds of smoke appeared around Naruto, when the smoke cleared five identical copies of Naruto stood there. Iruka blinked few times and looked at Naruto.

"Naruto, where did you learn that Jutsu?" Iruka asked, Naruto just shrugged his shoulders.

"Hokage taught me, my chakra reserves won't let me perform a normal Bunshin so he taught me something more powerful." Iruka nodded at the explanation and sat back down on his chair.

"Alright, three basic Jutsu performed, do you want to end it or you have something to show?" He asked, Naruto hummed in thought and nodded after few seconds, he raised his right hand with his palm facing upward and after few seconds a spiraling sphere of chakra formed in his hand, Iruka stared at Naruto in shock as he performed a Rasengan.

"Na-Naruto...that's a A-rank offensive Jutsu...did Hokage taught you that?" He asked, Naruto grinned and nodded, dispersing the Rasengan.

"Of course, who else." Iruka just nodded and handed Naruto the same headband as he gave to Hinata, Naruto's grin became even wider as he tied it to his forehead.

"Just remember, three days from now come to this class for team placement."

"Thanks Iruka-sensei, goodbye." Naruto said and quickly walked out from the classroom, Iruka just blinked and slumped into his chair.

"That kid, a perfect Rookie of the year." He muttered.

Naruto walked through the streets of Konoha with a smirk on his face, the sun will soon hide behind the horizon yet the streets were still very crowded, many civilians glared at him but upon seeing the headband they looked away, it was a clear indication to them...someone was better than Sasuke Uchiha, that was enough for them to not mess with him.

"I can't wait to finally walk free again, I so want to kill someone." Kyūbi said in an overly excited voice, Naruto's smirk only widened.

'Yeah, me too.' After few more minutes of walking Naurto arrived at the Hokage tower and immediately went inside, upon reaching the office Naruto knocked.

"Enter" Gin's voice sounded from behind the door, Naruto walked inside and blinked, standing before the Hokage was few Jōnin, Kakashi Hatake, Asuma Sarutobi, Yūhi Kurenai and surprisingly Anko Mitarashi.

"Good you're here Naruto-kun, Anko-san here asked for you." When Gin said that Anko grinned.

"Hey there hunk, tonight?" She asked, everyone except Gin didn't know what that mean if their confused expressions was any indication.

"Sorry sweet cheeks, I have something to do outside the village." At Naruto's words Anko pouted.

"No fun." She muttered, Gin raised an eyebrow at Naruto.

"Where do you want to go Naruto?" He asked, Naruto gave him a blank stare.

"To Karakura, where else?" At that Gin nodded and looked at the pile of scrolls on his right.

"That reminds me, I have reports about Retsu Unohana, an old friend of mine, being seen in Karakura, I would like you to convince her to go back with you." At that Naruto raised his eyebrow.

"Is that...a mission...sweet." Every Jōnin except Anko stared at Naruto with wide eyes, Gin smiled and handed Naruto the scroll.

"It's an A-rank, so I would send you alone but Retsu is...well...scary to say the least, that's why Anko here will go with you, when do you want to go?" Naruto grinned at Anko who returned it.

"I wanted to go two hours from now, is that okay with you Anko-chan?" He asked, Anko give him a thumb up.

"Sure hunk, just don't be late." With that Anko walked out from the office, Kakashi cleared his throat and looked at Hokage.

"Hokage-sama, is that wise, letting Naruto out from the village?" He asked, the temperature around the room drastically dropped.

"Hatake-san, if I didn't know better I would say that you want to keep Naruto inside the village like some sort of animal...but of course you are not so stupid...are you?" At that Kakashi gulped and bowed slightly.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama." As he said that the temperature returned to normal.

"See it wasn't so hard now, was it?" Gin said cheerfully and took a drag from his pipe, Naruto looked over the scroll and pocketed it.

"Well then Nii-sama, I will be going now." With that said Naruto walked out, Asuma blinked and looked at Gin.

"Hokage-sama...is Anko and Naruto...you know." Gin's smile widened at that.

"Of course." With that said Gin lightly opened his eyes.

"Well then, now for team placement."

Naruto sighed as he opened the door to his apartment, true it wasn't the best place available but it was slightly above normal, there was only kitchen, bathroom and one bedroom, not much but for Naruto it was enough. After taking of his sandals he turned left and walked inside the kitchen, Kyūbi wanted the apartment to be dark then that's what it is, the walls and ceiling are painted dark red while from around waist down the walls are dark purple, that color combination is present in all the rooms, mahogany panels cover the floor in all apartment except for bathroom.

The kitchen was also modern looking with dark themes, the windows were covered by dark red curtains, Naruto walked up to the window in the kitchen and opened the curtains.

'Kyū-chan, just remember, don't get too excited on this trip, after we visit Urahara-sensei we would search for this Retsu person...who knows, if she's a goody then I wouldn't mind making her another of my mates.' At that Kyūbi pouted.

"You're insatiable darling, how many women you will make into your mates? I know you want to make that Hinata girl your mate when she grows up a little, then there's this Anko person, she's very strong and VERY good in bed...there's also that Ino girl, it seems she likes you...beside that I don't see anyone else worthy." Naruto chuckled at her words.

'Oh Kyū-chan, you know me so well, you, Hinata, Anko and Ino...it's still not enough however, to restore Uzushiogakure to it's former glory more Uzumaki's are needed.' Naruto thought with a serious expression, Kyūbi raised her eyebrow before sighing.

"Naru-kun, go to the bedroom, we should talk face to face." Naruto nodded at that and walked out from the kitchen, he walked into the room on the right from the entrance and looked around, like the kitchen everything inside the bedroom was dark themed and rather spartan looking, on the left by the window was a king sized bed with blood red bedsheet and pillows together with dark purple quilt. Looking right Naruto saw a black dresser by the wall and a small TV in the further corner. Naruto walked up to the dresser and placed his headband on top of it, then he walked up and laid down on the bed, he closed his eyes and relaxed.

Naruto opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling similar to his own, he looked to his right and smiled. Laying beside him was a woman of around 168 cm in height, she is dark-skinned with silky, bloody red hair reaching to he ankles, she is looking at Naruto with red eyes that has slitted pupils just like Naruto. She wears formal red kimono adorned with white leaf patterns along the bottom, she's also barefooted. Kyūbi traced circles on Naruto's chest with her finger, her fingernails are painted red, they are also slightly long and sharp like claws.

"Naru-kun, why is restoring Uzushio so important to you?" Kyūbi asked, Naruto looked her in the eyes and smiled sadly.

"My mother was from there, I know that she wasn't the one to seal you inside me so I forgave her already...my father however is different matter, he not only caused me great pain but also imprisoned you, I will correct his mistake." Kyūbi sighed at that.

"You know I was controlled back then, he didn't have much choice...however you're right, he made a mistake, he should just take me away from the village using that technique of his." At that Naruto chuckled and enveloped Kyūbi in a hug.

"You know, if he did that then I wouldn't meet you...so let's just forget about him." Kyūbi nodded at his words and snuggled closer to Naruto.

"You're right as always, now let's just focus on my body and finding that Retsu woman." Naruto grinned at Kyūbi and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"We can always focus on your body right now, I still have some time before leaving." Kyūbi's pupils narrowed at that, she looked at Naruto and licked her lips.

"Yeah...that's the best idea you could think of in here." She said seductively and reach her right hand toward Naruto's pants causing him to smirk, however she stopped suddenly and retreated her hand.

"Nah, let's do this when you get back, I can't distract you from the mission." Naruto pouted at that.

"You're mean again, I thought you were horny?" He asked, Kyūbi chuckled and patted his head.

"I was, but here both you and me tire out much faster, however when I get my body we can go all out." When she said that Naruto's eyes went wide for few seconds before he smirked.

"Oh you sexy fox, so that was your plan." Naruto said and roughly kissed Kyūbi who returned it with equal passion.

Anko was walking toward the village gate with a grin on her face.

'Few days alone with Naruto, I will be limping for sure but fuck that...yeah, fuck.' She thought as she arrived at the gate where Naruto was already standing with a smirk on his face, he looked up at Anko and his smirk widened.

"Anko-chan, you're here so let's go, faster we get there then we can relax sooner...and you know what I mean by 'relax'." At Naruto's words Anko immediately had stars in her eyes, she grabbed Naruto and began to run outside the village.


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