Hated - Chapter 5

NarutoXBleach Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was taken under the wing of few powerful people who trained him to take care of himself, however the bad treatment of the villagers caused him to develop deep hatred for them and his love for the village disappeared, now he's powerful enough to take care of himself and few people he holds dear. NarutoXHarem, Evil Naruto.

"Kyūbi/Hollow speaking"
"Zanpakutō spirit speaking"
Technique name

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.

Chapter 5: Truth Revealed.

(July 17 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Konohagakure)

"SHE'S A WHAT?!" A loud scream from Kushina sounded through the village from the inside of Hokage's office, everyone in the village heard that but they shrugged and blamed it on someone from Haruno family. Inside Hokage's office Gin sighed and looked at Kushina with a glare.

"Is that a problem?" He asked coldly, Kushina growled in anger as she bailed her fists.

"Problem?! I just learned that not only my son was abused by this village but he also sleeps with several women! Kyūbi included! How could I have no problem with this?!" Retsu and Gin sighed at that, Gin took a drag from his pipe before he realized it was empty, he dumped what left inside the pipe into an ashtray and quickly refiled it before he lit it up again and took a deep drag.

"It's what this village did to him, he search for acceptance where he can...also, Kyūbi was the one to save him." At that the Shinobi gathered inside the room looked shocked to the core...everyone except Kushina who glared at him.

"Explain." She said coldly, Gin sighed once more and shook his head.

"Alright...it all happened around four years ago, after a certain event that I REALLY don't want to talk about, Naruto...tried to kill himself." That earned several gasps but Gin only took a drag from his pipe and shook his head sadly.

"Kyūbi was the one to save him, she believed in him, showed him what love was...it's only because of her that Naruto is still with us, however around the same time Naruto began to openly resent the village, when someone once started a fight with him he said one sentence, 'If you want a demon you will get it, and then this village will be no more'." Minato paled upon hearing that, he glanced at the door and was about to go find Naruto but something very sharp touched his neck, drawing some blood. Everyone looked at Gin in shock as his sword extended to Minato's neck.

"Hold right there Kōhai, it's better if you DON'T talk to Naruto." Gin said calmly, Minato opened his mouth to speak but a glare from Gin stopped him.

"Right now only Kushina-chan has any chance at talking with him." He said and looked at Kushina with a smile.

"He loves you Kushina as it wasn't your idea to seal the Kyūbi inside him, however he is slightly angry that you just locked Kyūbi up and didn't talk to her, maybe then you would have noticed that she was controlled." Kushina nodded weakly as few tears rolled down her cheeks.

Naruto opened the door to his apartment with a sigh, he walked inside with Kurumi right behind him, he took off his sandals and walked inside his bedroom where he flopped face first onto the bed. Kurumi sighed as she lay down next to him and wrapped her tails around them, pulling them closer to each other, Naruto sighed in content as he turned his body toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What would I do without you Kurumi." He said and kissed her lightly onto her lips, Kurumi moaned slightly into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Their make out session began to get even more heated as lust began to cloud their minds, they stopped kissing gor just a second and they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Kurumi...I love you." He said almost breathlessly and began to once more ravish her lips, Kurumi's eyelids slowly closed as yet another moan escaped through her lips.

'I know Naru-kun...I love you too.' She thought happily as Naruto's left hand slide between her legs, few minutes later shouts of pleasure could be heard from Naruto's place.

(July 19 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Konohagakure)

Naruto walked to the Academy with a grin on his face, he didn't saw any of his parents for few days which was good, he wouldn't know how to react. He also didn't heard about them yet so Gin probably waited for something to happen.

"Naruto-kun!" He heard from behind him, he smiled upon recognizing her voice.

"Hinata-chan, good morning." He said cheerfully and turned toward her, she run up to him with a light blush on her face.

"Good morning Naruto-kun, I couldn't find you for few days..." She stopped suddenly and sniffed him.

"Naruto-kun...what is that smell?" She asked calmly, Naruto however felt a shiver running down his spine.

'What the hell?' He thought, he sniffed his clothes and raised an eyebrow at her.

"What are you talking about? I smell like I normally do." He said simply, Hinata looked at him strangely before she shook her head.

"Must be my imagination." She said with a blush on her face and began to walk toward the Academy, Naruto sighed and walked beside her.

Naruto was sitting in his chair for a good twenty minutes waiting for Iruka-sensei to show up.

"It's so boring, where is Iruka-sensei anyway." Naruto said aloud, Shikamaru sighed and slightly raised his head from the desk.

"Probably Hokage-sama called him for something, I can only guess it's something about the team placement." Naruto nodded slightly at that.

"You're right, it's probably nothing..." He didn't get to finish as the classroom doors opened and Iruka walked in, however he was ghostly pale. He walked to the front of the class and turned toward them.

"Before I tell you about the team placement there is something very important that Hokage-sama wants to tell you about." He finished and the doors opened once more and Hokage walked in followed by few more people, Naruto's eyes went wide open when he saw his parents, Kurumi and few Jōnin, one of them was Hatake Kakashi himself. Naruto looked at Gin who send him a sad smile, he immediately knew what happened, he was forced to tell about them.

'Probably that Retsu woman, only Kenpachi could force Nii-sama to something he didn't want.' Naruto thought, Gin stepped in front of the class and cleared his throat, his pipe surprisingly gone. Many student's stared in shock at Minato.

"First, as you probably see...the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, is back with us...the same goes for his wife, Kushina Uzumaki." At that the class began whispering.

"Uzumaki, isn't it the same as Naruto."

"Wait a minute, there was an Uzumaki clan once but it was destroyed."

"What, that dobe has a clan."

"Silence!" Iruka shouted and all whispering ended, Gin sighed and shook his head.

"First of, Minato Namikaze didn't die, he and his wife entered a coma like state from which they awakened few days ago." Ino suddenly raised her head which earned her a curious glance from Gin.

"Yes, Miss Yamanaka?" Ino stood up and looked at Kushina.

"I'm sorry Hokage-sama but it's the first time I heard about the Fourth Hokage having a wife." At that even more people nodded in agreement, Gin crossed his arms over his chest and nodded.

"Yes, that stupid council decided to erase that knowledge from history, the Third Hokage was the one to propose such idea as it could help hide his illegal dealings." At that many students gasped and Jōnin lowered their heads.

"But enough about it, the real thing I wanted to talk about was Naruto Uzumaki and that lovely lady beside me." He said, gesturing toward Kurumi, a look of horror crossed over Naruto's face as he began to shook his head lightly, Gin saw that and shook his head sadly.

"Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki...Naruto is their son." At that everyone looked at Naruto who growled and tightened his hands into fists. However before anyone could say anything Kurumi stepped forward.

"Naruto-kun." She said softly, Naruto looked at her.

"It's better this way, better now than later." At her words Naruto only scoffed and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Do what you want, I don't care." With that said he closed his eyes, Gin sighed and shook his head.

'I knew it wouldn't be good.' He thought and looked around the classroom, many students were staring at Naruto in shock, some with anger, and some with...adoration.

"Not that's out of the way, I should tell you the truth about the Kyūbi, she didn't died, she was merely sealed inside a baby...that baby being Naruto himself." Many people gasped, Shikamaru only muttered 'Knew it' and fall asleep again.

"However she was released few days ago, now for those that are scared of her, don't be, she was controlled back then, just like Madara Uchiha once controlled her." At that Sasuke perked up.

'Sharingan.' He thought with a smirk.

"Now, she's with us, in this class." At that everyone began looking around in fear, Hinata however looked at the redhead beside the Hokage.

"Naruto-kun." She whispered softly, gaining his attention.

"The Kyūbi, it's that woman beside Hokage, isn't she." At that Naruto looked surprised for only a second before he nodded.

"Yes." Was his simple answer, Kurumi sighed upon looking around the class.

"Everyone!" She shouted gaining their attention. She looked at them and her tails appeared from behind her shocking everyone.

"I'm the Kyūbi, Naruto Uzumaki's personal summon." She said in a voice full of pride, nearly everyone gaped at her before looking at Naruto who wasn't there, the only thing left after him was a small cloud of black mist. Kurumi sighed and turned toward Gin.

"I will find him." She said and Gin nodded in agreement, then she disappeared in a swirl of fire. Gin sighed once more before looking around the classroom on noting several looks of disgust from other would-be Genin and saddened expressions from Naruto's group.

"Well then, to clear any misunderstandings." Gin said as he clapped his hands few times.

Naruto sighed as he walked down the main street of Konoha, he knew that it would happen sooner or later but not like this, everyone heard his secret and he felt the malicious intents from Sasuke which wasn't good at all. After few more minutes of walking around someone tapped his shoulder, he sighed and looked behind him, then his eyes went wide open.

"Liz." He said in surprise as Lizbeth smiled at him, a paper bag in hand.

"Naruto-kun, what happened, you seem to be restless." She said calmly, Naruto sighed and nodded lightly.

"Yeah, something happened at the Academy and...I really don't want to talk about it here." When he said that Lizbeth's eyes opened slightly wider and she smiled at him gently.

"Then...why don't you come to my place, we can have some tea while you explain." At that he smiled and kissed her lightly on her forehead.

"Thanks Liz, you're an angel." At that Lizbeth blushed and the two two of them began to walk down the street toward Red Lights District. When they walked through the district everyone bowed at the sight of Naruto which caused him to smile, that's why he liked this place, people respected him, no matter if it was a simple thug or a hooker.

"Naruto-Dono, Lizbeth-Dono." A female voice said from behind Naruto causing him to sigh.

"Nanao-chan, I told you to just call me Naruto." He said calmly as he turned around toward the newly arrived woman. Nanao is a slim and youthful girl of around 164cm in height with long black hair normally kept pinned back, with flat bangs that hang to the right side of her face, she has slightly light blue eyes that have a deep tint of violet and wears glasses with a slight oval shape to them. She wears long bluish-black kimono with white trimmings, held closed by a white obi, and open-toed sandals with low heels.

"Indeed Naruto-Dono, you told me many times." At that Naruto sighed again.

"I just told you that...you know what, whatever." He said without care and looked calmly at Nanao.

"So, what happened?" He asked, Nanao nodded slightly and looked at Lizbeth.

"Kyōraku-sama wanted to see you Naruto-Dono, Lizbeth-Dono can also come if she so wished." With that said Nanao turned and began to walk away, Naruto shrugged and followed her with Lizbeth close behind.

After few more minutes of walking they arrived at a slightly run down mansion, several people in dark clothes patrolled the perimeters of the mansion but they all bowed when they saw Nanao, Naruto and Lizbeth. They walked inside and saw several more dark clothed people who also bowed to them. After walking down several corridors they arrived at the sturdy double door, Nanao knocked three times before entering, they walked into a barely decorated office with a heavy-looking wooden desk facing the door, sitting behind the desk is a is a tall, light-skinned man of around 192 cm in height with high cheekbones, grey eyes and long wavy brown hair, his hair is tied in a long ponytail and has long bangs that frame the left side of his face, he also has thin facial hair around his mouth and on his cheeks. He wears black Hakama pants, Haori and white Obi around his waist, he also wears a Sugegasa straw hat and a pink, flowered lady's kimono, which he drapes across his shoulders and over his Haori, on his feet he wears Geta.

"Kyōraku-sama, Naruto-Dono is here." Nanao said and walked up to the man's side, Kyōraku smiled at them and inclined them to come closer.

"I heard that you became a Genin Naruto, sorry for the late congratulations but my people couldn't find you anywhere." At that Naruto laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, sorry Boss. I had something important to do outside the village." Naruto said to which Kyōraku nodded and reached toward a cabinet in his desk from which he pulled out a bottle of sake and three saucers.

"Well then, why don't you drink with me, this old man needs company from time to time." At that Lizbeth sighed and stepped forward.

"I'm sorry Kyōraku-Dono, we were in the middle of an important conversation when we were called here." At her words Kyōraku's eyes shined in amusement for few seconds before he grinned.

"Well then, I can't interrupt your fun now, can I?" At that both Naruto and Lizbeth blushed before Naruto cleared his throat.

"Well then, Boss...we should be going now." When Kyōraku nodded Naruto turned around and began to walk toward the door, however he stopped after few seconds.

"Are you coming, Lizbeth?" He asked in confusion to which Lizbeth smiled.

"Wait outside Naruto-kun, there are some things I must talk about with Kyōraku-sama." Naruto looked surprised at that but nodded nonetheless, he walked out from the office and Lizbeth sighed.

"Kyōraku-sama, I need to ask you a favor." At that Kyōraku turned serious for a while.

"Well then, let's hear this favor out."

Nearly half an hour later Naruto and Lizbeth entered her apartment which looked exactly like that of Naruto except it was mostly white, they walked inside the kitchen where Naruto sat on the chair while Lizbeth set a kettle on the stove.

"Well then, Naruto-kun, what happened to make you so restless." When she asked that Naruto sighed.

"I...few days ago I went to Karakura Town for something...something...something happened there." Lizbeth nodded at that.

"Go on, I'm listening." She said as she turned off the stove and put teabags into two mugs, she filled the mugs with water and added two teaspoons of sugar to her tea.

"I...I met my parents." Lizbeth nearly dropped the mugs as she walked toward the table, she looked at Naruto with wide eyes.

"W-what?!" She said in disbelieve, Naruto sighed and shook his head.

"It seems that they weren't dead at all, only in something similar to a coma...they are in Konoha now." As he said that Lizbeth set the mugs on the table and turned toward the doors.

"Wait here Naruto-kun, I will be back soon." However Lizbeth didn't get too far as Naruto grabbed her right arm.

"Liz, don't do anything stupid, I don't want you to get in troubles." He said in worry, Lizbeth sighed and looked at him with uncertainty.

"Naruto-kun...what will you do?" At her question Naruto sighed and shook his head.

"I...don't know...I really don't know." He said in a defeated tone, Lizbeth smiled and turned toward him before she hugged him, resting her head on his chest. Naruto sighed and rested his head on top of her's.

"Liz...I love you." He said with a tiny smile gracing his face, Lizbeth nodded slightly with her own smile.

"I know Naruto-kun, I love you too." Lizbeth said calmly, Naruto lifted her head slightly and kissed her gently on her lips, Lizbeth closed her eyes in content and relaxed in his arms, after several seconds they pulled out from the kiss, leaving a thin string of saliva connecting their lips.

"Naruto-kun...I have something to ask you about."


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