Hated - Chapter 6

NarutoXBleach Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was taken under the wing of few powerful people who trained him to take care of himself, however the bad treatment of the villagers caused him to develop deep hatred for them and his love for the village disappeared, now he's powerful enough to take care of himself and few people he holds dear. NarutoXHarem, Evil Naruto.

"Kyūbi/Hollow speaking"
"Zanpakutō spirit speaking"
Technique name

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.

Chapter 6: Parenthood.

(July 19 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Konohagakure)

"You...want what?" Naruto asked in shock as he gently held Lizbeth in his arms.

"Naruto-kun, I want to give you something you never had...a family." She said with finality in her voice, Naruto pulled back slightly and looked down at her with wide eyes.

"Liz, I can't do that, if people knew who's child it would be, they...they would hurt you...now as a Genin I won't be present all the time to protect you...I can't put such a burden on you." When he said that Lizbeth narrowed her eyes at him and pulled out from the hug.

"I don't need your protection all the time Naruto because I'm a..." She stopped suddenly, her eyes not meeting his own. Naruto raised his eyebrow before something clicked in his mind.

"Liz...are you a Quincy?" He asked suddenly, Lizbeth turned her eyes right at him.

"What?" She asked in shock, Naruto stared at her for few more seconds before he suddenly smiled brightly at her.

"I knew for a long time that my girlfriend was something special...you can't keep something like this away from me." He said and pulled her once more into a hug.

"How...how did you know?" She asked weakly and snuggled closer to him, Naruto chuckled.

"Liz, I'm a Shinigami...and Quincy...and a Hollow." At that Lizbeth eyes opened wide in shock, she looked up at him in shock and opened her mouth to speak but Naruto silenced her with a kiss, the kiss lasted for few seconds before Naruto pulled back and sighed in content.

"I will tell you some other time Liz, for now let's just sit and talk." At that Lizbeth nodded slowly, with that they sat down and began to drink their tea.

"So...do you really want that Liz, it will be very hard for you." Naruto said in a saddened tone, they finished the tea long ago and now lay down on her bed, snuggling close to each other, they still had their clothes on.

"Naruto-kun, those three years since I met you were enough to fall deeply in love with you, I really want to have your baby because it's my dream...to have a very big and happy family." Naruto chuckled at that and glided his hand through her hair.

"If you say so...but...not anytime soon, I have too much on my head now." Lizbeth nodded lightly.

"I know, I just really want to get away from here, start a family with you...and live happily." She said the last part with a bright smile on her face, she took hold of her glasses and placed them on the nightstand.

"Will you take a nap with me, today must have been hard for you." When she said that Naruto groaned and nodded lightly.

"Yeah, a nap is a good idea." He said and closed his eyes, not even a minute later a light snoring could be heard which caused Lizbeth to giggle lightly. She laid on top of his chest and sighed happily.

'Things will sort out...I just know it.' Lizbeth thought and closed her eyes, just like Naruto she was quickly asleep.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Kurumi said to Kushina who was standing in front of the door to Naruto's apartment, pounding furiously on the door, Kushina turned her head and glared at Kurumi.

"Shut up, you corrupted Naruto, I'm sure of it!" She shouted and continued to knock furiously, Kurumi looked unfazed by her words and closed her eyes, when she found Naruto's energy she grinned.

'You naughty boy, coming straight away to Liz-chan...maybe I should join in on their fun?' She mentally asked herself, she pondered this decision for few seconds before she sighed and looked at Kushina.

'But...she really love Naruto-kun, I should gave her a chance to talk with him.' She thought and released a heavy sigh.

"Kushina-chan...come with me." Kurumi said and began to walk toward the stairs, Kushina send a death glare at her and turned toward the door, she raised her hand slightly and was about to knock once more before she sighed lightly.

'Damn it! Why should I listen to that slutty fox, she must be the one to corrupt Naruto.' Kushina thought and looked at the retreating form of Kurumi who looked at her and shook her head.

"You damn stubborn woman, you want to see Naruto or what?" At that Kushina sighed and nodded.

"Fine, let's go."

Kurumi knocked at the door to Lizbeth's apartment, when nothing happened for several seconds she sighed and knocked once more, this time however a female voice answered.

"Coming." The doors swung open after few seconds and Lizbeth looked at the two woman in front of her in surprise, it quickly ended however when she saw Kushina. Her face turned into a scowl and she crossed her arms on her chest.

"Oh, it's you...Naruto don't want to see you." Lizbeth said and was about to close the door when Kurumi's hand stopped her, Lizbeth frowned at Kurumi's hand and growled slightly.

"Get that hand away before I cut it off." Lizbeth threatened but Kurumi just smirked, Kushina stepped forward with a saddened expression.

"Please, I must see Naruto, I couldn't be there for him back then but I want to be his mother for real now." At that Lizbeth scowled and balled her fists tightly.

"He don't need a mother, he has me. I will give him a family he never had." At that Kushina opened her eyes wide in shock while Kurumi hissed at Lizbeth.

"Over my dead body, I must be the first to have his kits." At that Lizbeth glared at Kurumi.

"Fuck no, only Kyūbi can be first and she's still sealed in him. It's only natural that his second mate should have this honor." Kushina only stared at the two of them in confusion, Kurumi grinned widely and shook her head in amusement.

"Liz-chan...I'm the Kyūbi." Kurumi said and her proof came in form of nine tails appearing behind her and two rabbit-like ears appeared on top of her head, Lizbeth took a step back in shock while Kushina flinched slightly, memories of the night 15 years ago still fresh in her mind.

"Y-yo-you're the Kyūbi?!" Lizbeth asked loudly and pointed at Kurumi who grinned even wider.

"Of course Liz-chan, can we come inside now, it's not nice to talk about private matters in open." After few seconds of thinking Lizbeth nodded slowly and stepped to the side, letting them in.

"Turn left." She said and after closing the door, she followed them into the kitchen where they all sat at the table.

"So...what is this about Naruto and you, is he some Harem Master?" Kushina asked after several seconds of silence, her brow twitching slightly at the thought of her son sleeping with multiple women.

"You can say that, Naruto-kun is probably the last male Uzumaki so his goal is to restore Uzushio." At that Kushina's eyes opened wide in shock, she was about to shout out about something but Lizbeth shushed her.

"Calm down, Naruto is sleeping." Lizbeth said, Kurumi raised her eyebrow and leaned close to Lizbeth, sniffing her.

"Hmm, you're obviously aroused but I don't smell Naruto-kun's semen on you." At that Lizbeth blushed and crossed her arms protectively on her chest.

"Of course you don't! Right now I would already had sex with Naruto but he have too much on his head because of her!" Lizbeth raised her voice and pointed at Kushina who flinched, however she quickly noticed what Lizbeth said and a vein popped out on her forehead in annoyance.

"Who the hell allowed you to do something like that with my son?!" Kushina shouted in anger, Lizbeth stood up and slammed her hands on top of the table.

"You have no right to control his life, he was doing just fine without you or that blond bastard!" At that Kurumi looked at Lizbeth in shock.

"Wow, Liz-chan, it's the first time you ever show some claws." At that comment Lizbeth send a glare at Kurumi.

"Shut up you slutty fox, I know you want the same as I did." Kurumi chuckled sheepishly and scratched the back of her head. Before she could say anything however, the door to Lizbeth's bedroom opened and after few seconds Naruto walked inside the kitchen.

"Liz, what the hell is..." His words stopped in his throat when he saw Kushina, he looked at Kurumi who looked sheepish and then turned toward Lizbeth who only sighed.

"Please sit Naruto-kun...there is much we have to talk about."

(July 20 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Konohagakure)

Naruto sighed as he waited for his team on the Academy roof, his mother told him about meeting his team here so he waited...but his teacher should be here a long time ago.

"Where the fuck is he, that cyclops need a very good reason to be late." Naruto grumbled under his nose as he tapped his foot impatiently.

"Don't be like that Naru-kun, you have much more important things to think about." Kurumi said happily, she's currently sitting on the floor with her back against the railing and in her hand a small plate with a piece of chocolate cake on it that Kurumi was munching on. Naruto sighed once more and looked at her.

"You really love chocolate, don't you?" Naruto asked with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, Kurumi stopped eating and looked at Naruto cutely.

"Can I get more later?" Kurumi asked excitedly, Naruto sighed slightly and nodded.

"After we get this over with, just remember that our funds are limited." At that Kurumi nodded with a wide smile and returned to devouring the cake. Several seconds passed when a cloud of smoke caught their attention, the cloud quickly dispersed revealing Kakashi Hatake who stand before them with a orange book in hand, he glanced up from his book and blinked upon seeing Naruto and Kurumi.

"Umm...what is she doing here?" Kakashi asked, pointing one finger at Kurumi who showed him a middle finger, Naruto sighed and ruffled his hair a little.

"She's my mate and partner, just treat her as an unofficial member of team...wait...what team is it?" At that Kakashi sweat-dropped.

"Team 7, Naruto...the other members are Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno." At that Naruto paled and palmed his face, a growl rolled out from his throat.

"Great...Emo Duckass Princess and Pink Banshee...just what I needed." Naruto muttered, Kurumi nodded with a scowl on her face while Kakashi sighed tiredly.

'It's just not my day...is it?' Kakashi thought and looked back at his book, even one minute didn't pass as the rooftop doors opened and the rest of team 7 appeared.

"Great, you two." Naruto sighed in annoyance, his arms crossed over his chest, Sasuke's permanent scowl deepened while Sakura fumed in anger upon seeing Naruto, then their eyes turned at Kurumi who decided to stand on Naruto's right.

"My first opinion of you is...boring." At that Sasuke and Sakura tried to protest but one look from Kurumi stopped them, Kakashi nodded his thanks to her and cleared his throat.

"Alright, let's introduce ourselves, my name is Kakashi Hatake, I have many likes, not many dislikes, my hobby...you don't need to know and my dream...well, it's not your business." At that both Kurumi and Naruto sighed while Sakura tried her hardest not to kill Kakashi, Sasuke just groaned slightly.

"Alright, you next fox." At that Kurumi scowled and muttered 'Ungrateful peasant' under her breath.

"My name is Kyūbi Kurumi...hopefully Uzumaki in near future..." Upon hearing that Kakashi nearly choked on his spit while Sakura stared at Kurumi in disbelieve, Kurumi however didn't care.

"I like Naruto, chocolate and having glorious sex!" Kurumi proclaimed loudly, Kakashi nearly had a nosebleed while Sakura blushed heavily, Sasuke like always remained stoic, Naruto however grinned brightly at the praise.

"I don't like rapists and people who think they are better than anyone. My hobby are reading, eating and spending time with Naruto, my dream is to have a very big family with Naruto." Naruto smiled at that and wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her closer.

"Alright...well...that was interesting, Naruto, you're next."

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like my mates, my friends, reading, cooking, training and ramen, I don't like perverts, rapists, people who judge others without knowing them and people who hurt others for profits. My hobby is reading, training and spending time with my mates and friends, my dream is to restore Uzushio to its former glory and get revenge on people responsible for its destruction." At the last part Sasuke and Sakura looked at Naruto in confusion.

"Uzushio? I never heard about it." Sakura said to which Naruto sighed.

"It was destroyed years ago, my mother was raised there before she arrived to Konoha." Sakura nodded hesitantly, it was obvious she had some more questions. Kakashi nodded at Naruto and turned toward Sakura.

"You next pinky." At that Sakura turned red in the face from anger causing everyone except Sasuke to sigh.

"My name is Sakura Haruno, my likes are..." She glanced at Sasuke and blushed.

"I dislike Naruto-Baka..." At that Kurumi nearly jumped at Sakura to rip out her throat but Naruto stopped her.

"My hobby is taking care of my flowers, my dream is..." She once again glanced at Sasuke to which Kakashi sighed.

'Great, another fangirl.' Kakashi thought in defeat, he turned toward his last student.

"Sasuke." He said simply and Sasuke nodded.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I like training, I have many dislikes, my hobby is training and learning new Jutsu, my dream is to restore the glory of my clan and kill a certain someone." The last part gained Naruto's attention, he knew who caused the Uchiha massacre and smirked.

'Uchiha Usagi, Sasuke's older sister...from the picture in her folder I remember she was quiet hot, maybe I should find her.' Naruto mussed to himself with a smirk.

"Alright, it's only 10 AM so we have time for a true Gennin test." When he said that Sakura looked at him in confusion.

"I thought we're already Gennin." Naruto sighed loudly, gaining her attention.

"Did you really thought that a simple writing test is enough to be a ninja?" Sakura opened her mouth to speak but closed it after few seconds, she looked down in embarrassment.

"Knew it." Naruto said, Kakshi sighed once more and scratched the back of his head.

"Alright, enough of it, meet me at the training ground 7 in twenty minutes." With that said he disappeared in a Shunshin(Body Flicker). Without another word Kurumi grabbed Naruto's shoulder and both of them disappeared in a small cloud of black smoke.

Naruto, Kurumi and Kakashi stand at the training ground 7 in complete silence, Sasuke and Sakura are yet to arrive but Naruto could feel them coming closer.

"So, Naruto...how are you feeling today?" Kakashi asked with a eye-smile, Naruto looked at him without a care.

"Rather good, Kurumi took care of that." Kurumi blushed, Kakashi already knew what he meant. Just then Sasuke arrived quickly followed by Sakura who looked slightly paler than before.

"Great, you're all here." Kakashi said and reached behind his back, he pulled out two small bells to show them and tied the to his weapon pouch.

"Your objective is to get this bell, each of you have to get one to pass." At this Sakura raised her hand.

"Kakashi-sensei, there are only two bells." Kakashi eye-smiled.

"You are right miss Haruno, this means that one of you will go back to Academy." Naruto facepalmed and shoot Kakashi a knowing look.

"Alright...let's begin." Kakashi said and pulled out a timer which he placed on top of a wooden pillar that stood there, there are also two more pillars on each side of the one Kakashi placed a timer on.

"You have five hours to take the bells, time start." As he said that the timer activated, Sakura and Sasuke immediately jumped into the nearby trees to hide while Naruto and Kurumi just stood there. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at that.

"You're not going to hide?" He asked, two clouds of smoke appeared behind Naruto who looked blankly at Kakashi, the smoke cleared revealing two copies of Naruto that quickly jumped after his teammates.

"I didn't have a good fight in a long time, I think you will provide some challenge." As he said that electricity began to slowly dance around Naruto, Kurumi smirked and moved away from him, sitting under a nearby tree.

"Just try not to kill him Naruto, it will be a pain in the ass to explain it to Hokage." Naruto only grinned at her as the electricity began to cover most of his body.

"Oh please, I know you want to see some blood." By now the electricity covered all of Naruto's body, Kakashi's eyes went wide open from shock.

'Raiton no Yoroi(Lightning Release Armor)!" He thought in shock, after few seconds the lightnings around Naruto began to speed up and turn orange. From the sleeve of his haori a silver handle without blade slid out, Naruto caught the handle and pointed it a Kakashi who started to sweat slightly.

"Let's fight." Naruto said coldly, a bright blue energy shot out from the handle creating a blade, the orange lightning around his body began to also cover the blade, the blade of energy slowly started to turn orange just like the lightning around Naruto.


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