Hated - Chapter 3

NarutoXBleach Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was taken under the wing of few powerful people who trained him to take care of himself, however the bad treatment of the villagers caused him to develop deep hatred for them and his love for the village disappeared, now he's powerful enough to take care of himself and few people he holds dear. NarutoXHarem, Evil Naruto.

"Kyūbi/Hollow speaking"
"Zanpakutō spirit speaking"
Technique name

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.

Chapter 3: Interesting Development.

(July 16 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack)

Naruto and Anko made a considerable distance from the village, they left it three hours and moved south toward where Karakura town was, they were chatting at the start of the journey but when they made some distance from Konoha and it was very hard to see they set a camp for the night.

"So Anko, what plan do you have?" Naruto asked her, she turned from the campfire and grinned at him.

"You want to hear the plan?" Naruto nodded quickly, the camp they set was placed on a small hill, Anko stood up and turned south, in the large distance away from them she saw lights of the Karakura town, her grin widened when she turned back to Naruto.

"Public sex..." Naruto's eyes went wide open at that, he slowly stood up and looked her in the eyes.

"You know that we can get in trouble for that?" He asked, Anko closed her eyes and nodded, still grinning.

"Yep." She replied.

"You're just fucking with me." Naruto said in disbelieve, Anko smirked.

"Every time."

(July 17 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Karakura Town)

Karakura Town, much bigger and more populated than Konoha, a peaceful town, Naruto and Anko walked down the street while looking around, they arrived here around an hour ago and they still couldn't find Urahara's shop, finally Naruto snapped.

"Oh come on, how hard it can be to find one shop?!" Naruto shouted while pulling on his hair, Anko sighed and looked at Naruto.

"Look, I know it's frustrating but...Naruto..." Anko began but blinked as she looked at his face.

"...That thing on your head is glowing." Just like she said, the headpiece Naruto is using to hold his hair in place is glowing in a bright blue while the kanji on it glows bright red. Naruto tensed and his eyes went wide open.

"Anko...stay here." Naruto said and blurred out from her sight faster than Anko could notice, she blinked and looked at the place he stood before.

"It...wasn't Shunshin..." She said in amazement, then a inhuman roar grabbed her attention, she looked around and noticed that people heard that too, without any hesitation she went to investigate.

Naruto flickered from roof to roof as he moved toward the source of Reiatsu he felt. He jumped off from the roof and draw his sword with his right hand, in the clearing right before him several creatures with white masks gathered around a very tall man of around 215 cm in height with a thin and lanky body. His face is set in a huge smile which reveals his upper teeth. His black hair hangs past his shoulders, concealing the left side of his face and a large white eyepatch with one exposed dark gray eye. His clothing consists of a jacket with an overblown spoon-like hood and an opening starting at the neckline, showing most of his midsection, and closing at his waist. He wears the hakama, but the ends of his pant legs close inside extended and curved boots.

What intrigued Naruto however was the weapon in his right hand, it takes the form of a giant axe-like weapon bearing two crescent moon-shaped blades fused together at the backs, with a large looped chain connected to the shaft at the end of the handle, the chain is connected to the man's waist. The man placed his hand on the ground and after few seconds looked up at Naruto, the man stood up and rested his weapon on his shoulder.

"You there, you seem to be a strong oponent, why don't we fight!" The man shouted at Naruto who frowned and jumped down before the man and the creatures.

"An Arrancar...I thought your kind died out?" Naruto asked, his face turned into a scowl.

"You can say that...kill him." As the man said that the creatures lunged at Naruto, he took the stance and rushed at the creatures, slicing the closest to him with easy.

"Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky." Naruto muttered as he began to cut the creatures, one of the bigger ones tried to slam its fists at Naruto but he flickered out from that place and slashed it vertically through the middle, killing it.

"The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders." Naruto flickered and appeared above a massive turtle-like creature, he slammed his sword through its head and jumped away, the creature started to turn into black particles, Naruto turned and performed a heel kick on the creature behind him, shattering its mask.

"Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired" Naruto finished the incantation as he appeared some distance away from the group of creatures. He pointed his left hand at them and his eyes narrowed.

"Hadō #91: Senjū Kōten Taihō!(Way of Destruction #91: Thousand-Hand Bright Heaven Culling-Sear)" Naruto shouted, ten pink energy points appeared around Naruto and fired at the group, the energy collided with the group and created a devastating explosion of pink energy that teared the ground few meters from the explosion, Naruto then turned toward the man with a scowl on his face.

"What's your name punk, my is Nnoitra Gilga." Nnoitra said with a wide smile on his face, Naruto pointed his sword at the man.

"Uzumaki Naruto...why did you bring Hollows to this town?" Naruto asked, The man's smile only grew wider which infuriated Naruto.

"For fun, why else!" The man shouted and rushed at Naruto with Naruto doing the same, they clashed their respective weapons but Naruto was quickly being overpowered, Naruto Narrowed his eyes and an orange energy started to appear around his body, it seem to only excite Nnoitra even more.

"A Shinigami...You're a fucking SHINIGAMI! I KNEW YOU WOULD BE FUN!" Nnoitra shouted and began to press onto Naruto even more, Naruto cursed and jumped away from Nnoitra, when the weapon passed him Naruto rushed back at Nnoitra and swung at his chest...only for his sword to grind on his skin like a steel, Naruto eyes went wide from shock and Nnoitra used this moment to backhand Naruto. He flew away and rolled on the ground few times before stopping and quickly standing up.

Naruto looked forward and quickly jumped back as Nnoitra's weapon slammed into the ground where he stood before, Naruto narrowed his eyes and rushed at Nnoitra who still have that infuriating smile on his face, Naruto slickered and appeared inside Nnoitra's guard shocking him slightly, Naruto gripped his sword tightly with both hands and with a roar slashed upward at Nnoitra, like before the slash didn't do much except grinding on Nnoitra's skin but when Naruto's blade reached Nnoitra's chin it launched him few meters into the air shocking him even more.

'That punk...how?' Nnoitra asked himself as he flew up, Naruto pointed his left hand at him.

"Hadō #4: Byakurai!(Way of Destruction #4: Pale Lightning)" Naruto shouted and a huge bolt of lightning shot at Nnoitra, before Nnoitra could react the lightning slammed into his and caused an explosion. After few seconds Nnoitra fall down from the smoke and slammed into the ground, Anko just arrived on the scene but decided to watch, for several seconds nothing happened and Naruto sighed in relief, he was about to sheath his sword when Kyūbi's voice caught his attention.

"Naruto look out!" She shouted, Naruto draw back his sword and watched as yellow energy enveloped Nnoitra.

"Inore: Santa Teresa!(Pray: Praying Mantis)" Nnoitra shouted and a pillar of yellow energy shot up into the air, completely covering Nnoitra and creating a small shockwave. Sensing the trouble Naruto grabbed his sword with both hands and held it in front of himself, orange energy began to emanate around him.

"Hōkai to bunretsu: Raijū no Jūbi!(Collapse and divide: Ten tails of lightning beast)" Naruto shouted, a pillar of orange energy covered him completely, Anko felt the power the two began emanating and became scared.

'What the hell, that power...it's around Kage-level.' Anko thought, the pillar of energy covering Nnoitra disappeared, he stood there without any scratch on him, he gained an extra set of arms, which took on an insect-like carapace and clawed hands, with each hand holding a large scythe-like weapon as well. The scythes themselves resemble the appendages of a praying mantis, and have a small golden tassel at the end of each staff. He also gains a golden marking extending from his forehead to below his right eye, as well as a pair of horns on his head resembling a crescent moon, with his left horn longer than his right. He gains several white, tendril-like appendages around his torso which extend over the sides of his abdomen. A maniacal smile stretched his lips.

Just then Naruto's pillar of energy also disappeared, Naruto stood there slightly battered but what changed was his weapon, instead of ōdachi in his right hand is a double-edged broadsword with a flat top making it impossible to stab something. The handle of this sword is wrapped in black bandages and has a white tassel attached to the base of the hilt, the tassel takes form of ten bone-like segmented tails, each ending with a ring in which a tiny blue orb is embedded. The blade is completely black and in the middle of the blade near the top is a small hole to which a short red, rosary-like cord is attached, hanging from the cord is a red paper talisman with strange black markings on it. Naruto rested the blade on his shoulder with easy, shocking Anko.
'The hell, that sword is as big as him, how can he wield it so easily?' Anko asked herself, Nnoitra looked at Naruto and his smile widened to humanly impossible size.

"LET'S FIGHT TO DEATH SHALL WE?!" Nnoitra shouted and rushed at Naruto who just stood there, he pointed his sword at Nnoitra and sighed.

"Jo ha.(Dividing blade)" Naruto said calmly, the talisman began to glow in a bright red color, that glow quickly spread through the entire blade, leaving out the hilt. When Nnoitra swung his scythes at Naruto he lazily swung his sword at Nnoitra who grinned, to his surprise however Naruto's sword passed through his arms and scythes, Naruto flickered behind Nnoitra.

"Wh...what?" Nnoitra said aloud, after few seconds Nnoitra's scythes broke in pieces, his four arms from the elbows down soon followed, falling to the ground. Each place that Naruto slashed at had a red glow on it, Nnoitra looked at the stumps of his arms for few seconds before looking back at Naruto, Naruto swung his sword across Nnoitra's abdomen, it passed right through him without any resistance.

"You loose...and now you're dead." When Naruto said that a bright crimson line appeared where Naruto slashed, after few seconds Nnoitra's torso separated from the rest of his body and fall down onto the ground. Naruto's sword turned back to normal and he immediately began to feel the strain on his body causing him to fall down beside Nnoitra.

"D-damn...you were strong...like a monster..." Naruto said weakly, Nnoitra looked at Naruto, fighting off the sleepiness.

"How? You couldn't even scratch me before...what are you?" Naruto chuckled at the question.

"My Zanpakutō reflects my will to move forward...despite any obstacles, I just cut down the obstacle...that's the power of my sword...no matter how strong the defense...I can cut through it without any problem." Naruto finished his explanation with a groan, Nnoitra laughed slightly at that.

"I see...I just had a bad luck to fight you...thanks kid...that was awesome..." With that Nnoitra grew an additional right hand and placed it on Naruto's head, the yellow energy gathered around Nnoitra's palm before sinking into Naruto, enveloping in a yellow glow that soon began to turn orange. After several seconds Nnoitra took his head away from Naruto and smiled.

"Take my energy...I won't need it anymore...and you could use it for your goals...also...when you get time...go to Uzushiogakure...or what's left of it..." Nnoitra began coughing after he finished speaking, Naruto turned toward him and smirked.

"You won't live long you bastard...I cut through your kidneys and most vital organs...just accept it and die already." Nnoitra smirked slightly at that.

"At least I died in a fight..." With that Nnoitra closed his eyes and released his last breath. Naruto cursed slightly as his sight began to blur.

"Ah...that's why I don't use my Shikai(Initial Release) so much...I will feel it later on..." Naruto said to himself and closed his eyes. Anko finally walked out into the clearing and run up to Naruto, she looked around and noticed the destruction that happened from the fight.

"Oh shit...better get going." Anko said to herself and picked up Naruto, however before she could go away from the clearing she felt two people behind her.

"Put the boy down...or die." One of the people said, Anko turned around and saw two girls behind her, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in interest. Both of them were slightly shorter than Naruto an appeared to be twins, the two of them are almost identical in appearance. However, one has short red hair, while the other has longer blue hair which is parted in pigtails. On their heads they have masks that act as some kind of headband, both of which go vertically down the middle of their heads before reaching their eyebrows. The masks also act as a sheath for their weapons, sitting behind their head horizontally. They both wear the same outfit, which is a sleeveless white jacket, elbow-length gloves, white bracelets on each wrist, sock-like stockings, black high heeled boots and short schoolgirl-themed skirts. Of this, the skirt, stockings and gloves are colored to represent their respective hair color.

"Who are you, what do you want from Naruto?" Anko asked with a growl, the red haired girl narrowed her and reached for the hilt on the back of her mask, she grabbed it and pulled out, a sword coated in flames appeared from the hilt at which Anko gulped, the red head pointed the sword at Anko.

"My name is Yang and this is my sister Yin, is what we heard before true? That boy's name is Naruto Uzumaki?" The girl asked, Anko tensed slightly and pulled out a kunai from the sleeve of her coat.

"And what if he is?" Anko asked angrily, Yang raised her eyebrows.

"Depending on your answer we will let you live." Yang said calmly, Yin sighed and looked at Anko with a apathetic expression.

"He is, anything else?" Anko asked, her senses are screaming at her to run but she ignored them, Yin nodded slightly before turning to her sister.

"He's an Uzumaki, I can feel it...let's go, we're done here." Yin spoke calmly and began to walk away, Yang sighed and sheathed the sword.

"One more question?" Yang asked, Anko relaxed slightly and nodded.

"Sure." Yang looked at Naruto sleeping on Anko's shoulder.

"Who his parents are, I sense power similar to our own inside of him." At that question Anko blinked, she looked at Naruto on her shoulder for few seconds before looking at Yang, Yin was standing few meters from them with her back turned toward them.

"He don't talk about his father, however he said few times that his mother was Kushina Uzumaki." At that both Yang and Yin looked at Naruto with wide eyes.

"Was?" Yin asked, Anko nodded with a sad smile on her face.

"His parents died 15 years ago." Yin nodded and grabbed her sister's arm.

"Let's go nee-chan...our job is done." Yang nodded, with that the both girls disappeared with a sound of statics. Anko breathed out a sigh of relief and looked around.

"Well then, what now." She said to herself and walked away from the clearing toward the more populated part of town.

(July 17 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Konoha)

Gin was relaxing in his chair as always after finishing with the paperwork, he couldn't help but chuckle at the way Naruto come up with to deal with the paperwork...Shadow Clones, it allowed Gin to relax during the day.

"Hokage-sama." A calm voice reached his ears, Gin looked at the door and took a drag from his pipe, standing in the doorway was a woman of around 161 cm in height, she's pale-skinned with bright green eyes, thin black hair tied in small ribbons by the side of her face, with the back cut short, lustrous lips and surprisingly slender body. She wears black, sleeveless shirt with a high collar, black skin-tight pants, white leather belt around her waist to which a silver five-pointed cross pendant is attached, as well as black boots that sport a small heel to give her a few extra inches. On top of this she wears a white hooded coat that reaches down around her knees, the coat also have long sleeves that covers her hands. She also wears a pair of half-rimmed glasses with oval-shaped lenses and a black scarf around her neck with white five-pointed cross on both ends.

"I think I remember you from somewhere." Gin said with raised eyebrow, the woman nodded and a tiny smile graced her lips.

"Yes, I'm Lizbeth Goldenrod, the librarian in Konoha's Library...and also Naruto's friend." The woman said meekly, Gin raised his eyebrow at her.

"Friend? Not more?" He asked, the woman blushed slightly before looking around.

"I know about Naruto's more colorful than normal sexual life, I'm in fact one of his partners." At that Gin chuckled.

"I see...well then, why did you came here, whatever it is then it must be very important if you came here." Lizbeth nodded and took a deep breath to calm herself.

"I wanted to ask you about Naruto, I didn't saw him in the village since yesterday and I wanted to talk to him about something important." At that Gin's eyes opened slightly, he took a drag from his pipe and grinned slightly.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Gin asked to which Lizbeth blushed madly and crossed her arms under her D-cup breasts, she began to shuffle her right foot nervously.

"N-no...Naruto always use protection, he told me that he will not risk his child going through the same treatment as he did...I just came to ask where he is and when he will come back." Gin nodded and took another drag from his pipe.

"He went to Karakura Town for personal business, he should get back to Konoha in two to three days without any delay." Gin said with his ever-present smile back in place, Lizbeth nodded and turned to live when Gin stopped her.

"Lizbeth-san...if you love him...just tell him, he will be overjoyed." Lizbeth blushed and nodded, she quickly walked out from the office. When she left Gin sported a shit-eating grin.

"What a beast, yet another woman fall in love with him." Gin said to himself and took another drag from his pipe, after few seconds he released a thin stream of smoke from his mouth.

'Let's see, from what Naruto told me Kyūbi wants to have his kits...strange woman, I pray for the soul of one stupid enough to go near her children with malicious intents...there is also Hinata Hyūga and Ino Yamanaka, from what I heard both girls have feelings for him...there are also several civilian women but Naruto is only using them for his goals so it's not important.' Gin thought as he took another drag from his pipe, his eyes have a far-away look.

'There is Anko...not sure if it's just sex or something more, however knowing Naruto she could easily fall in love if he so wanted...and now there's this Lizbeth woman...heh, a Quincy...interesting.' Gin thought and looked at the clock hanging from the wall.

"Well then, I should go home now." He said as he stood up and began to walk from the office.

"Thank you very much." Lizbeth said as she walked out from the bakery near her place, surprisingly she lives in the same apartment complex as Naruto so she often visits him. As she walked she couldn't help but blush as she recalled the conversation with Hokage.

'Naruto's child...' She thought with a gentle smile on her face, however that smile soon faded when she looked around the villagers.

'It's their fault Naruto hate this place so much, if only something could wipe them out.' She thought with a scowl, the scowl only deepened when she felt several pairs of eyes on her, they weren't civilians for sure. Lizbeth sighed and turned into an alleyway, after walking for few more seconds she stopped, a paper bag in her right hand while her her left hung limply at her side, several figures landed behind and before her, each had an ANBU mask on their faces, Lizbeth looked at them coldly.

"You will come with us." One of them, apparently male, said without a hint of emotion in his voice.

"And if I refused?" Lizbeth asked, her tone not changing even for a second. The ANBU slowly reached for their tanto.

"I think you don't have a choice." The one from before said, Lizbeth only sighed.

"So that fossil wants to ensure Naruto-kun's loyalty by holding me captive...as much as a vision of Naruto reaping through ROOT members just to reach me is interesting...I must refuse." As she finished speaking from the left sleeve of her coat a silver handle without blade slid out, Lizbeth effortlessly caught it and a blade of bright blue energy appeared.

"Well then, let's dance." Lizbeth said coldly as ANBU rushed at her with their blades in hands.

Few minutes later Lizbeth was happily munching on a strawberry bun, not even a cut or drop of blood on her or her clothes, a slightly drunk man stumbled into the alley Lizbeth walked out with, few seconds later the same man began to scream his throat out.


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