Hated - Chapter 1

NarutoXBleach Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was taken under the wing of few powerful people who trained him to take care of himself, however the bad treatment of the villagers caused him to develop deep hatred for them and his love for the village disappeared, now he's powerful enough to take care of himself and few people he holds dear. NarutoXHarem, Evil Naruto.

"Kyūbi/Hollow speaking"
"Zanpakutō spirit speaking"
Technique name
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.

Chapter 1: The Beginning.

(October 10 - day of Kyūbi's attack)

October 10, it was seemingly normal day in Konoha...except the gigantic nine-tailed fox currently attacking it. A group of people are speeding through the village toward the spot where the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze is currently fighting with the giant fox.
The first person is a man around 180 cm in height with bright sky blue eyes opened wide, he appears to be an early to mid twenty-year-old person, he is unusually thin and tall with very sharp features, giving him a skeletal appearance, and bears unusual silver hair. He wears black kimono shirt, dark gray ANBU-styled pants, black strapped-up shinobi sandals and white sash tied around his waist to which a wakizashi with light blue hilt is tied. His name is Gin Ichimaru.

The second person is a man of around 183 cm in height, he's a tall, lean-built man with light skin and gray eyes. His hair is messy and light-blond (almost pale), with strands framing the sides of the face and hanging between his eyes. He wears a dark coat, which sports a white diamond pattern along its bottom half, with a dark green shirt and pants underneath along with black shinobi sandals. In his hand is a beige colored shikomizue with a curved handle and silver base. His name is Urahara Kisuke.

The third person is also a man of around 180 cm in height, he is a tall, muscular man with spiky black hair with noticeable sideburns and brown eyes. He wears black kimono shirt, black ANBU pants, black shinobi sandals and a red sash tied around his waist to which a tachi with a red handle and hexagonal tsuba is attached. His name is Isshin Shiba.

The fourth and last person was a fair-skinned man of around 176 cm in height with blue eyes and white hair with bangs combed to one side. He wears gray long-sleeved shirt and gray pants along with black shinobi sandals, in his left hand is a short white bow without bowstring. His name is Ryūken Ishida.

After few more minutes of jumping from roof to roof and then from tree to tree the four of them arrived at the peculiar scene of a blond haired man fighting another man with a mask covering his face.

"Damn, kōhai!" Isshin shouted and jumped forward, he unsheathed his sword which immediately began to release a flame-like energy.

"Getsuga Tenshō!" He shouted and swung his blade down on the masked man who's eyes went wide under his mask, a crescent moon of bright blue energy shot out from the tip of his blade and slammed into the man who released a pain-filled scream, the wave of energy traveled along with the masked man before dissipating hundred meters away with the masked man falling onto the ground in a heap. Isshin sheathed his sword and run up to the blond haired man kneeling on the ground, panting heavily.

"God dammit kōhai, what the hell were you thinking!" Isshin shouted and slapped the man on top of his head, causing him to fall down face-first in the ground. The blond man quickly regained his composure and stood up on wobbly legs.

"I'm sorry Isshin-senpai, I didn't had a choice." Minato Namikaze said weakly and began to walk away only to wobble and trip on his own legs, before he could fall down Isshin kneeled before him so that he fall on Isshin's back.

"Where the hell do you think you're going kōhai?" Isshin asked sternly, his eyes narrowing. Minato only shook his head and looked forward.

"Isshin-senpai...what I'm about to do will be something you will beat me up for in afterlife but I must do this...Kyūbi is rampaging...I have no choice but use Shiki Fūjin to seal it...that's why...please take care of Kushina and Naruto for me." With that said Minato disappeared in a flash leaving a stunned group behind.

"Kōhai you moron...just what are you planning?" Isshin asked himself before quickly standing up and turning toward the three other man.

"Let's go, that brat wants to use Shiki Fūjin." That was everything it took for all four of them to speed toward the last place they saw Kyūbi.

After several more minutes they arrived at the horrible scene, Minato and a red haired woman, Kushina Uzumaki was speared through by a enormous claw belonging to the even larger nine-tailed fox that was slowly disintegrating into a orange mist-like energy and flowing into a seal placed on the stomach of a tiny blond-haired child that was currently laying on top of an altar. All four man quickly jumped in front of Minato.

"Brat what the hell were you thinking, you too Kushina?!" Isshin yelled at them surprising the remaining man as Isshin wasn't one to loose composure so easily, the tears streaming down his face weren't helping at all. Minato looked up at the man who trained him and smiled.

"I'm sorry...senpai *cough*...I wasn't planing on *cough* that...Urahara...senpai *cough*..." Minato called out the other blond-haired man stepped out in front of him with a grim expression.

"Brat...why the hell you did that? Obviously there was another way." Urahara said to which Minato chuckled in turn coughing up more blood. Urahara shook his head sadly.

"Urahara-senpai...*cough*...please take care of Naruto...*cough* I want him to be seen as a hero for holding back Kyūbi *cough*...can you do that?" He asked with a weak smile, the light slowly fading from his eyes. Urahara and the rest nodded firmly which brought a smile to Minato's face.

"Sen...pai...please tell Naru-kun...that his parents loved him...okay?" Kushina said weakly, tears leaking down her face. Isshin tried to wipe his eyes without much success while Urahara tried hard to hold back his tears.

"Alright...*sniff*...we will take care of him...baka kōhai." Urahara said slowly, both Minato and Kushina smiled before the light left their eyes and Kyūbi disappeared completely. The two fall down lifelessly, causing the four man to bow their heads in sadness, the only sound breaking the silence was the crying of the newborn Naruto. After few more minutes Urahara stepped forward and in a puff of smoke two white coffins with glass lids appeared on the ground near Minato and Kushina, he opened the coffins and put them inside before closing the lids, almost immediately a green glow surrounded both bodies.

"Baka kōhai...*sniff*...why did you have to play a hero dammit." Urahara choked out, tears streaming down his face, even Ryūken and Gin began to cry. After several seconds a group of people jumped down near them followed by gasps.

"Minato...you idiot." A voice of Hiruzen Sarutobi broke the silence, Isshin, Kisuke, Gin and Ryūken turned toward the Third Hokage with grim expressions.

"Sandaime-sama...we must talk."

(July 15 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack -day before graduation - Morning)

Through the already busy streets of Konoha a 15 years old boy around 173 cm in height was walking. He has shoulder-length , blonde, spiky hair with bangs pulled to the left side of his face and hold in place by a small white hexagonal headpiece with red kanji for 'sky' on it, he also have blue eyes with slitted pupils along with three thick whisker marks on each cheek, his face put into a seemingly permanent scowl. 

He wears black form-fitting shirt, black pants tucked into black shinobi sandals, a kunai pouch tied to his right thigh, three scrolls holsters tied to his left thigh and long black haori over it all, the haori has a completely white hexagon on the back with red kanji for 'fox' inside the hexagon, the haori from the thighs down split into nine coattails resembling fluffy fox tails, the haori is also held together in the front by a orange 'X'-shaped cloth near his neck. Tied to his back beneath the haori by a red cloth is an ōdachi with an orange hilt. The tsuba has a teardrop shape, with the base of the drop arcing over the top of the blade, and the point of the drop pointing below the cutting edge. A row of several tiny teardrop-shaped holes decorates the bottom of the curve, and a small ring, approximately 2" in diameter, dangles off the tip of the tear-drop.

Most of the villagers and shinobi send glares his way but he simply returned the glares, immediately causing them to look down in fear.

'Tsk, weaklings...few years ago I would probably let them stare at me like that but not anymore.' Naruto thought and focused on his destination, Ninja Academy. He decided to turn off his surrounding and just walk forward.

"Naru-kun, so scary~." A feminine, mocking and cheerful voice sounded from inside Naruto's head causing him to groan.

'Oh, great...Kyū-chan, can you tell me why you didn't talk to me yesterday?' Naruto thought to which Kyūbi pouted.

"I was horny and you didn't came here for few days now, I'm getting lonely!" She whined which brought a small grin to Naruto's face, people stared at him in fear especially when his fox-like eyes landed on someone accidentally.

'Tell you what, I was also horny but I accepted the invitation from that lovely housewife from the neighboring building, her husband isn't satisfying her so I just helped...who am I to ignore such hot piece of ass as her.' He thought, a menacing growl sounded from inside his mind.

"That whore, when I get out of here I will find her...and I WILL kill her." Naruto sighed and shook his head.

'Kyū-chan...please don't do that, besides, it will be another few months before Urahara-sensei will finish your body...you should blame that old-goat Sarutobi for that, if not for that trigger seal he placed on my body I would channel more of your chakra for Urahara-sensei to analyze without anyone knowing.'

"Tsk, you're no fun...but you're a good mate at least...and DAMN skillful at that." At that Naruto couldn't help but chuckle, he glanced up and smirked upon seeing the academy gate before him.

"Look at that, we're already here." Naruto said aloud, people backed away from him and few ninja tensed, Naruto felt that and turned his head to glare at them.

"What are you staring at, do you all want to die?" Naruto asked with a little growl for emphasis, almost immediately everyone returned to what they were doing before.

"Oh...my...god...they're all a bunch of pussies, fearing a 15 year old boy." Kyūbi said and started laughing, Naruto also chuckled and began to walk forward, he absentmindedly caught a kunai that was sailing toward his head and stored it into his kunai pouch.

"Thanks for that, I will need it." He said loud enough for the person that threw the kunai to hear, the kunoichi with purple hair styled into short, spiky, fanned-ponytail grinned and disappeared into shadows of the alley.

Naruto sighed as he opened the door to the classroom, all eyes immediately landed on him causing him to sigh once more. He walked up the stairs and stopped beside the white eyed girl with dark blue hair kept in a short hime-cut, the girl blushed and looked up at him, Naruto smiled and petted her head.

"Good morning Hinata." Naruto said calmly causing the girl to blush even harder before she smiled sweetly.

"N-Naruto-kun...good morning." She said back shyly and bowed her head, Naruto stopped petting her and sat in a chair on her right, he tilted his head back and performed a mock salute. At the table behind him two boys are sitting, one of them sitting right behind Naruto is a boy with brown eyes and black hair pulled into a spiky ponytail, his name is Shikamaru. Sitting behind Hinata is a boy with spiky, brown hair that sticks upward, his name is Chōji.

"Yo, Shika, Chō, what's up." Shikamaru sighed at that.

"Troublesome as always...and what about you, how many people you scared this morning?" Naruto smirked at the question.

"Above twenty people for sure, I still can't believe that they fear a academy student." He said with his smirk stretching even wider.

"Not any academy student, a damn hot academy student and that's coming from me, the sexiest being you ever saw." Kyūbi said, Naruto looked forward and grinned.

'Oh you sexy flatterer, I could go there and fuck the red out of your eyes right now.' His thought caused Kyūbi to let out an excited squeal, Naruto looked left and saw Uchiha Sasuke, the greatest pain in the ass, glaring at him.

"What are you doing here dobe, you should be removed from academy." Sasuke said angrily, Naruto smirked at him.

"You know, you could be more intimidating if you were more...intimidating." Naruto said calmly and turned toward him, Sasuke seethed at this.

"Are you mocking me, an Uchiha!" Sasuke nearly screamed, he stood up and glared at Naruto who quickly looked shocked and began to wave his hands in front of him in a fake fear, by now everyone gathered around them with fangirls shouting about how amazing Sasuke was.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no..." Sasuke smirked down at Naruto who smirked back and dropped his hands to the side, a smug look replaced his faked shock.

"Pff, yeah." Naruto said that and looked right into Sasuke's eyes, he saw the hatred he waited for.

'Finally, that village cock-sucker was annoying the shit out of me, I must congratulate Sandaime, it was a GREAT idea to create another council...especially with civilians on it.' Naruto thought sarcastically causing Kyūbi to began laughing, Naruto watched as Sasuke lunged at him and tried to punch him, a keyword 'tried'. For Naruto everything moved in slow motion, almost like a slug traveling across the road, Naruto sighed inwardly and caught the fist in his right hand like it was nothing, his bored expression unnerved Sasuke who looked shocked at his own fist.

"Lame...you really are a council's cock-sucker Sasuke...-chan." Naruto said mockingly, at that Sasuke's shock was quickly replaced by anger, he cocked his right fist back and attempted to hit Naruto again but Naruto just tightened his grip on Sasuke's left fist and threw him at the classroom entrance just as two girls tried to enter, one with long blond hair and another with pink hair. To the shock of everyone present Sasuke sailed at the door and slammed into the two girls, launching all three of them outside the class and into the corridor.

"Na-Naruto-kun, you shouldn't fight in here." Hinata's shy voice sounded from behind Naruto, he turned his head toward her and smiled.

"But Hinata-chan, he was the first to attack me." Hinata blushed and began to play with her fingers.

"Yo-you know what I mean." That only caused Naruto to grin.

"I know." Naruto said and looked at all the gathered.

"He started it, right?" Everyone quickly nodded and returned to their seats, just then the blond girl walked into the class and glared at Naruto.

"What the hell Naruto, you could kill me!" Ino screamed at him, Naruto blinked and began to scratch the back of his head.

"Oh, it was you Ino-chan, sorry...I guess." At that Ino only pouted and sat in the chair in front of Hinata. Naruto looked at the chair before him and blinked, sitting there was a boy with dark, bushy, brown hair wearing dark, round glasses.

"Shino-san, I didn't saw you there...sorry." Everyone from the group blinked and looked at Shino.

'How did he get there.' Was everyone thought, Shino himself nodded in Naruto's direction.

"It's alright Naruto-san." With that Shino returned to looking ahead, Sasuke supported by Sakura walked into the class, both sending glares at Naruto who ignored them, following them was a boy with a white dog laying on top of his head, the boy, Kiba Inuzuka seethed upon seeing Naruto.

"Hey, bastard, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kiba shouted angrily, pointing his finger at Naruto, the dog on top of his head, Akamaru, whined at that. Naruto blinked and looked down.

"Well, sitting I guess...was that so hard to figure." Naruto said teasingly which only angered Kiba more.

"Oh god, not again." Shikamaru said with a sigh and placed his forehead on top of the table, the rest of the group also sighed as Kiba began to walk toward Naruto from his left side, Naruto just smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, Kiba upon nearing Naruto cocked his right fist back and send a punch at Naruto's shoulder, Naruto's smirk became menacing as Kiba's fist slammed into something before Naruto's shoulder, he screamed in pain and quickly stepped back holding his throbbing hand, Shino saw that and raised his eyebrow.

"Ba-bastard, what did you do?!" Kiba asked angrily, Naruto turned toward him and Kiba froze in fear, Naruto's eyes turned a menacing red color.

"Sit down mutt, I'm an alpha...that's as good answer as you can get." Naruto said coldly, Kiba flinched and walked to the last desk near the window, as far into the corner as he could. Naruto's eyes turned back to blue color, he huffed in annoyance and looked at Shikamaru with a grin.

"Ne, Shika...guess what?" Shikamaru just groaned and shook his head.

"I don't want to guess anything...too troublesome." Shikamaru said without lifting his head from the desk.

"You're no fun." Naruto said with a huff, he turned to the front and sighed.

"God they sure take their time to get here." Naruto said in slight annoyance, everyone from the small group nodded.

After twenty more minutes two men walked inside the classroom, one of them has white shoulder-length hair and green eyes, the other one has brown hair kept in a spiky ponytail, dark eyes and a scar running across his nose.

"Alright, listen up everyone, tomorrow is a graduation day but today will be the field test. Let's go to the training ground." Iruka said to which Naruto sighed in relief.

"Finally, I was afraid we will sit here for an hour." He said and stood up, everyone walked out from the classroom and followed after Mizuki and Iruka outside the academy where the training ground was.

"Okay everyone, let's start with accuracy test, Naruto, you first." At that Naruto sighed.

"Iruka-sensei, I don't think it is a good idea, I would rather go last...you know...to see how everyone else are doing it." Iruka hummed in thought and nodded after few seconds.

"Alright Naruto, then Sasuke, you're next." Sasuke smirked at Naruto who looked completely unfazed, Mizuki handed the five kunai to Sasuke and backed away, Sasuke took the stance and when Iruka signaled he threw all five kunai in quick succession amazing most people, the three kunai hit 10, one hit 9 while the last one hit 7, Sasuke's fan-girls began to shout and jump at how 'amazing' Sasuke is which only boosted his already enormous ego.

"Very good Sasuke, 46 points, next is Sakura Haruno..." Naruto tuned out everything in favor of speaking with Kyūbi.

'Ne Kyū-chan, what will you do when Urahara-sensei finish the body?' Naruto asked, Kyūbi hummed in thought, after several seconds a giggle escaped her mouth.

"Well, I have an idea but you probably won't like it." Naruto raised his eyebrow at that.

'What idea?' Another giggle from Kyūbi caused even more confusion.

"Kits...at least five." Naruto tilted his head to the side, everyone watched him in confusion except Shikamaru who long ago figured what Naruto hold and was fine with that.

'Kits? Aren't kits a young fo...oh.' A blush appeared on Naruto's face when he noticed what Kyūbi was implying.

"Yep, so what do you think...will you help me with that." Kyūbi asked in a seductive tone.

'Kyū-chan, I don't think it is a good idea...I mean, I won't be a good father of that I'm sure.' Kyūbi only huffed at that.

"Bullshit, I wouldn't be able to find a better material for a father than you, besides you're my mate and an alpha, it's your damn job to give me kits to take care of.'

'Alright Kyū, we will talk about it later...if you want kids so much then I can give them to you...and...I will try to be a good father.' This caused Kyūbi to squeal in excitement.

"I love you Naru-kun!" Kyūbi shouted to which Naruto grabbed his head and hissed in pain.

'Kyū-chan please, not so loud...and I love you too.' Naruto told her with a sigh.

"Naruto, it's your turn." Iruka's voice brought him out from his thoughts, he blinked and looked at Mizuki who handed him the five kunai, when Naruto took them a scowl formed on his face.

'Bastard, they're much heavier than normal kunai and the blade is dull...I just had to use a LITTLE more strength.' Naruto thought and get in the position, he cast one more look at the smug-looking Mizuki, Naruto sighed and turned toward the target. Iruka signaled to start and Naruto almost instantly threw first five kunai which embedded themselves right in the middle, Miuzki almost choked on his own spit when the dull kunai were embedded nearly to the hilt, Naruto narrowed his eyes at the point between the four kunai in the middle.

'Well, let's see how durable this thing is.' Naruto thought and threw the last kunai, everyone watched in amazement as the kunai hit exactly in the middle of the target and pushed it back nearly few meters before it stopped. Naruto himself hissed and rolled his shoulder.

"Damn, I missed, that was supposed to went through." When he said that everyone gawked, except Sasuke who was seething.

'That DOBE did better than me?! An Uchiha?!' Sasuke thought angrily, Naruto felt that and looked at his with a smirk.

"What, jealous?" Naruto asked smugly which only angered Sasuke more, seeing that Iruka stepped between them before it escalated.

"Alright, calm down everyone, we have sparring matches ahead of us." He said and began to walk toward the further end of the training ground where a ring for sparring was. Naruto couldn't help but smirk, he knew that Mizuki probably set Sasuke to fight with him in hopes of Naruto's defeat.

'Will Iruka react when I nearly kill Sasuke...meh, whatever.' Naruto mussed to himself, everyone gathered a small distance from the ring.

"Alright, there will be only Taijutsu, nothing more, nothing less, Mizuki do your job." Iruka said and stepped back, Mizuki smirked and looked at Naruto.

"Naruto and Sasuke, step into the ring." Naruto sighed.

"Knew it." He muttered and stepped into the ring with Sasuke standing across from him with arms crossed on his chest, his fangirls immediately began cheering.

"Na-Naruto-kun." Hinata's shy voice cut through the crowd, Naruto turned toward her with 
raised eyebrow.


"P-please...don't kill him...I do-don't want you to get in trouble." When she said that Naruto pouted.

"No fun Hinata-chan...alright, I will TRY to not hurt him...too much." Hearing the confidence in Naruto's voice angered Sasuke.

"You're getting delusional dobe, you can't beat an Uchiha like me." Sasuke said angrily to which Naruto just looked at him in boredom.

"Really princess, go and prove it." Just then Mizuki started the match and Sasuke immediately darted at Naruto and tried to hit his head with a high kick but Naruto caught his right foot, Sasuke quickly spun his body despite the pain in his foot and attempted to kick Naruto once again but he just released his right foot and punched him in the left ankle, Sasuke yelled in pain before he quickly regained his balance and gained some distance from Naruto, he knelled and touched his ankle.

"See, you can't prove anything, you're just pathetic." At that Sasuke growled and stood up before taking a stance. Naruto sighed and calmly walked up to Sasuke, when Sasuke swung his fist at Naruto he just caught it and delivered a kick to Sasuke's chin, launching him into the air, Naruto jumped up and performed a front flip above Sasuke before driving his heel into Sasuke's stomach, launching him back down and kicking up a cloud of dust.

"Sasuke-kun!" A shout from few girls sounded just as Sasuke hit the ground, when the cloud cleared Sasuke was laying on the ground, holding his stomach in pain and trying to sit up but failing miserably.

"Winner, Naruto." Iruka said with a tiny smile on his face, Naruto nodded and stepped out from the ring.

"Ge...get back here...you bastard." Sasuke said weakly, finally managing to stood up, Naruto sighed and looked at him.

"Stay down, as you're now Usagi would kill you with one finger." Naruto said coldly, Sasuke's eyes widened before he scowled and tried to walk toward Naruto but he tripped and fall down onto the ground.

"See, you're pathetic." Naruto said and walked up to his group of friends.

"Was it really necessary?" Ino asked with arms crossed across her chest.

"It was, with his ego he could easily get himself killed, I just had to beat into him that he's not that strong." At Naruto's words the group nodded.

Everyone began to fill out from the academy, many parents were waiting for their children, most adults glared at Naruto as he walked out from the academy but he paid them no mind, her turned his head to his group and smiled.

"So, who wants to go and celebrate?" Naruto asked, Ino and Chōji agreed instantly, when Shikamaru tried to get away Ino grabbed his arm and pulled him back, Hinata looked around and upon spotting a member of branch family waiting for her shook her head.

"So-sorry, I had a training with my father scheduled, b-bye, Naruto-kun." Naruto just grinned and patted her head.

"That's okay, go and do your best." Hinata smiled at that and left, Shino was nowhere to be found causing Naruto to sigh.

"And Shino left...again, well, let's go." With that the group of four left the academy ground and turned left toward their favorite restaurant.

"So, Naruto...how Kiba couldn't hit you?" Ino asked suddenly after several seconds of silence, Naruto looked at her and smiled.

"Ino my dear, that's a secret that I'm simply not ready to tell you." Naruto said calmly, Shikamaru who walked on his right sighed.

"The fox." At that Naruto tensed slightly and looked at Shikamaru.

"What?" Ino asked, Shikamaru just shook his head, it wasn't his thing to tell about Kyūbi.

"Naruto is like a fox, mischief is his element...troublesome." When Shikamaru said that Naruto released a sigh of relief. Before anymore could be said they arrived at the restaurant, they walked inside and immediately everyone looked at them, they sit in a booth while Chōji ordered the food for them all. Ino and Chōji sat on one side with Chōji sitting away from the window, Naruto is sitting across Chōji while Shikamaru sit across from Ino.

"So Shika, how long did you know?" Naruto asked silently so that Ino and Chōji didn't heard, Shikamaru sighed and looked at him.

"About few months, it really isn't that hard...your haori is pretty obvious." At that Naruto couldn't help but chuckle.

"True, so how are things in your house." Shikamaru sighed again.

"Troublesome as always, my mom is egging me out about finding myself a girlfriend, she also asked when you visit again." Naruto chuckled again.

"I don't know when I could be able to visit again, when I get on the team I won't have so much free time." Just then a waitress arrived with their food, she looked at Naruto and winked, an action that didn't went unnoticed by Ino, when the waitress turned around Naruto lightly slapped her on the rear earning him a gasp from the waitress who looked at him and giggled before walking away.

"What was that?" Ino asked with anger noticeable in her voice, Naruto looked at her and grinned.

"What, a man can flirt around, it's only natural that a females cling to a strong male...although I don't know what girls see in that princess Sasuke." At that Ino sighed.

"That's not the point, why you don't flirt around with me, or Hinata?" Ino asked to which Shikamaru facepalmed and sighed.

"Ino...age difference...and you're not even a Genin, Naruto could get in trouble for something like that." A look of realization crossed over Ino's face, Naruto turned to Shikamaru and grinned.

"Thanks Shika." Naruto said, Chōji who by far was only interested in eating looked at Naruto.

"Ne Naruto, I often see you with Anko, you know, that Tokubetsu Jōnin." Naruto grinned at that.

"Yeah, she's fun to be around, slightly sadistic but damn, her body is flexible as hell." Ino and Chōji nearly choked on their food while Shikamaru sighed.

"Troublesome..." Shikamaru muttered under his breath but Naruto heard it and smirked.

"What, I enjoy life as much as I can." Naruto said simply, however his smirk hadn't disappeared, he then simply began to eat along with the rest, when they were all finished after several minutes the same waitress from before walked up with a bill, Naruto reached toward his wallet but the waitress raised her hand.

"Don't worry, it's on the house." She said cheerfully with a wink toward Naruto, he grinned at gestured for her to come closer, she obliged and Naruto slipped something in to her hand, the waitress looked inside and her eyes went wide, in her hand was a rolled up bills.

"N-Naruto-kun, I can't take that." The waitress said and tried to give it back to Naruto who smiled and closed her hand.

"Don't worry, you helped me I was younger, that's the least I can do to repay you." The waitress just blushed and walked away with a small skip in her step.

"Well, I should be going, I have to visit Gin-nii-sama after all." With that said Naruto stood up and left. The group of three still looked somewhat shocked at what transpired but decided not to ask.


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