Shinobi of the Moon - Chapter 1

Description: The world where women hold power, and the sole exception with great power, how will his life look when his abilities came to the daylight, will he be accepted or feared by the world, only time will tell. NarutoXHarem Strong&Smart Naruto, bloodline Naruto.

Technique Name


Chapter 1: Prologue

Ninja, the warriors that can harness energy called chakra, however due to still unknown reason only females can do that, that's why, to increase the chances of bearing female children a new Jutsu was created, Futanari no Jutsu, it allowed to temporarily create a male reproductive organ on female that allowed two females to have children which greatly increased the chance of the child being a girl.

This story started with unexpected turns of event, a Kunoichi from Uchiha clan attacked Kushina Uzumaki, a wife of the Fourth Hokage Minako Namikaze. At that time Kushina was giving birth which greatly weakened the seal holding the Kyūbi no Yōko, a Nine-tailed Demon Fox, the Uchiha used that fact to forcibly break the seal which in turn would kill Kushina. Why she did that, simple, jealousy, Uchiha Nanase was in love with Minako Namikaze but when the news of Kushina and Minako being married leaked out Nanase couldn't contain the hatred she felt for Kushina.

However Nanase made one fatal mistake, she messed with wrong Kunoichi, when the Kyūbi was released Minako engaged Nanase in a fight which ended quickly with Minako being a winner, meanwhile Kushina with the help of Biwako, the wife of the third Hokage Sarutobi Hirari, gave birth to a boy which Minako took to seal Kyūbi inside of him, Kushina wanted to protest but knew that it was futile as Kyūbi couldn't be resealed inside her without killing her. Minako disappeared to seal the Kyūbi, however it wasn't over as Kushina gave birth to another child, a girl, few minutes after Minako left, that day her children, Naruto and Nanami were born, also Kyūbi was sealed inside Naruto, making him the first male Jinchūriki.


(Seven years later)

The young Naruto was walking through the village with his head down and frown on his face, he have short and spiky blond hair, blue eyes and three whisker-like marks on each cheek, he's wearing a blue T-shirt with Uzumaki crest on the back, white shorts and blue sandals. The reason for his sour mood was simple, it was his birthday but his parents like usually paid attention only to his sister, Nanami. Walking through the streets of Konoha he received glares from males and strange looks from females, he only knew that the looks from females weren't negative but he didn't know how.

Walking through the busy streets of the clan district of Konoha, Naruto couldn't suppress the shivers that run down his spines every now and then, he quickened his pace and not longer than few minutes later he found himself in front of a rather small compound compared to the other, he stared at the large gate before him in nervousness, he bit his thumb, drawing some blood and smeared some of it onto a spiral symbol on the gate, the blood was absorbed into the symbol which began to give out a dim red glow before dying down. The gate slowly cracked open and Naruto stepped inside, he looked up at the three storey house before him and sighed, he walked inside the house and immediately heard a light humming from the kitchen, he ignored it and proceeded to walk toward the stairs, his mother, Kushina noticed him and greeted with a smile.

"Welcome home Naru-chan." Naruto however spared her only a glance before moving forward, he missed the look of hurt on Kushina's face, Naruto walked up the stairs and opened the second door on the right which lead to his room, without a word Naruto walked up and fall on top of the bed face first before he closed his eyes.


Minako Namikaze was walking toward her house with her daughter, Nanami, by her side. Minako is a rather tall woman, with around 179cm in height, low D-cups breasts, bright blue eyes and spiky blond hair with jaw-length bangs framing her face, she wore a standard Konoha uniform with two bands on both of his sleeves, a green flak jacket, blue forehead protector, blue sandals and short-sleeved long white haori over her normal attire, closed in the front by a thin, orange rope, the haori was decorated by red flame-like motifs on the edges, with the kanji for "Fourth Hokage" written vertically down the back.

Nanami have waist long red hair pulled into a braid with shoulder-length strands similar to that of Kushina, fair skin, violet eyes full of life and whisker marks the same as Naruto, she wore a green sleeveless shirt, black jacket she left open, blue pants and blue ankle-length sandals.

Everyone bowed in respect as Minako passed them, Nanami was holding her mother's hand and looked in awe at her mother. They entered their house and walked into the kitchen where they found Kushina sitting by the table with her face buried in her hands, Minako immediately get worried.

"Kushi-chan, what happened?" Minako asked in a caring tone, letting go of her daughter's hand she walked up to Kushina and hugged her from behind, Kushina sniffed and looked at Minako with puffy red eyes, a clear sign the she was crying.

"I-it's Naru-chan..." Nothing more needed to be said as Minako looked down in shame, she knew exactly what happened, when Kushina and Minako started to teach their daughter how to be a Kunoichi they didn't have much time for Naruto, that's why they send him to a civilian school in hopes that he would find friends there but it had the opposite effect, Naruto started to close up, until he stopped showing his feeling altogether. Minako grabbed her hand and sat down beside Kushina.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that he will open up soon." Minako said reassuringly, Nanami sniffed slightly before walking out from the kitchen and up the stairs, she walked up to the Naruto's room and knocked few times.

"Onii-sama, dinner will soon be ready." She called out before walking inside the room, she immediately noticed Naruto sleeping on the bed, causing her to smile warmly and walked up to him, she sat down on the edge of his bed and began to gently pet his head.

"Onii-sama...I promise that I will protect you..." She spoke warmly to his sleeping form, she stayed like that for several minutes before someone lightly knocked on the door, Nanami immediately stopped what she was doing and turned toward the door, she watched as Minako walked inside the room with a smile on her face.

"Nana-chan, dinner is ready..." She started, then her gaze turned toward sleeping Naruto.
"Naru-chan needs sleep, just let him rest." Nanami nodded at her mother's words and stood up, a content smile on her face.

"Okay Kaa-chan." With that said she turned toward Naruto and kissed his cheek, Minako smiled at the sign of affection and walked out, when she was sure Nanami didn't saw her, Minako frowned slightly, she knew that clans sometimes allowed incest if the blood was too thinned out but that was completely different matter, she can only hope that the affection Nanami showed toward Naruto was only sibling-like...not anything more. Minako walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table beside Kushina, seconds later Nanami walked in with a smile on her face.


Naruto opened his eyes and looked at his window, noting it was night he quickly get up and opened his window, with a agility not seen in a child his age Naruto climbed onto the roof and upon walking to the highest point sat down, he gazed at the silver moon and smiled. It always calmed him down and made him feel protected, he closed his eyes and just let the cold breeze wash over him, he slowly felt his consciousness slipping from his grasp so he opened his eyes, after all he would easily die if he fell from such height. His eyes went wide open when he saw the moon and the red glow it shined, it was much different from the one he used to look at. The moon looked like a eye with ripple-like pattern which spreads over the eyeball, with red sclera and irises, containing a pattern of nine tomoe.
He quickly rubbed his eyes to shake off whatever illusion it was, when he opened his eyes again the moon was back to normal, that left Naruto completely confused.

"What the hell was that?" He asked himself, after few seconds of thinking he shook his head, throwing the topic on the side track. After few more minutes of watching the moon Naruto heard laughter coming from the kitchen, curious, he slid down the roof and to the edge where he started to climb down toward the ground, when he get there he silently walked to the kitchen's window and peered inside, the sight made him freeze in place. He saw as both his mothers and Nanami sat at the table with Nanami blowing the candles on the birthday cake, Kushina clapped into her hands and hugged Nanami while Minako just relaxed in her chair.

"Happy birthday Nana-chan, did you made your wish?" Kushina asked after releasing her daughter, Nanami nodded happily, a light blush staining her cheeks.

"That's Nana-chan, our beloved child." Minako said with a grin, Naruto's eyes went wide open for few seconds before they became cold.

'So that's how it be it.' Naruto thought and quickly walked away from the window and outside the compound, he couldn't allow himself to break down here or else Minako or Kushina would hear him. Back inside the kitchen, Nanami looked at the cake with a small frown before looking at Kushina.

"Kaa-chan, where's Onii-sama's cake?" She asked, Kushina smiled and walked up to the fridge from which she took out the cake similar to Nanami's except the words 'Happy birthday Naru-chan' made from frosting, Kushina placed the cake on the table and turned toward Minako.

"Darling, can you go get Naru-chan?" Kushina asked, Minako opened her mouth to reply but Nanami beat her on it.

"I will go!" She said quickly in disappeared from the kitchen leaving stunned parents behind, taking the most from this moment of privacy Minako turned toward Kushina.

"Kushi-chan, we must's about Nanami." Kushina immediately turned serious.

"What happened?" She asked, Minako checked the stairs and nodded to herself before turning back toward Kushina.

"I think she loves Naruto." Minako said seriously to which Kushina gave her a blank stare, after few second of silence Kushina burst off into a laughing fit causing Minako to look at her wife uneasily, after few moments passed Kushina calmed down and grinned at Minako.

"Of course she love him, they're siblings after all." Kushina said cheerfully to which Minako shook her head.

"I'm afraid she loves him more than a brother." When she said that Kushina froze, for few seconds she didn't said anything before she slowly regained her wits.

"I was afraid that you will said th..." She didn't managed to finish as Nanami's cream was heard from the outside, from the roof to be precise, Minako quickly sprung up from her chair and grabbed Kushina's hand before using Hiraishin seal she placed on the roof, with a flash they disappeared from the kitchen and appeared on the roof where they saw Nanami with her hands on her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Nanami, what happened?!" Minako said seriously catching Nanami's attention.

"Onii...Onii-sama disappeared!" She shouted before bursting out in more tears, Minako's eyes went wide from shock but she quickly regained her wits.

"Are you sure? He can be somewhere else in the compound." Kushina said reassuringly but Nanami shook her head furiously.

"No! It's full moon, Onii-sama always go to the roof to watch it!" After hearing that bit of information Minako cursed under her breath before turning toward Kushina.

"Go check around the compound while I check around the village." With that said Minako disappeared in a flash and Kushina jumped down from the roof leaving crying Nanami alone.

"Onii-sama..." Nanami muttered weakly before going back inside.


Naruto run through the nearly empty streets of Konoha, purposely avoiding the main streets, his current destination was the village gate that should be open for several more minutes, suddenly he heard alarms booming across the village causing his eyes to go wide.

'A lockdown?!' Naruto thought in shock before something clicked inside his mind.

'Oh...I see, of course they wouldn't let the container of Kyūbi go.' He picked up his speed and rushed from the side alley toward the nearby gate, when he looked there however he saw two guards standing in front of the gate and the gate itself was slowly closing. Picking up his speed even more Naruto rushed at the gate, the two Chūnin Kunoichi noticed him and prepared to catch him, much to Naruto's shock, he closed his eyes and prayed for a chance to leave the village, suddenly the moon changed, it became purple with a ripple-pattern that spreads over the moon, both guards looked in shock at the moon and gasped loudly, Naruto heard that and opened his eyes, he noticed the purple glow and looked at the moon, his eyes going wide from shock.

He stared at the moon for what felt like several minutes but only few seconds passed, unknowingly to him his eyes changed, becoming the same as the moon, he turned his sight toward the two guards and raised his right hand at them, his body moving on itself.

"Shinra Tensei..." The words slipped from his mouth without his control, the two Kunoichi only had seconds before a booming noise could be heard and an invisible force hit them, throwing them several meters back and into the wall, knocking them out. Naruto didn't paid attention to them his focus was on the gate, the moon suddenly began to glow stronger and Naruto felt great power flooding his body, when he neared the gate that power suddenly shifted, going into his hand and onward.

"Shinra Tensei!" He shouted, for few seconds nothing happened and Naruto feared that he will smash into the gate if he won't stop right now, however it did something, a deep dent appeared in the gate before the force pushed more, blowing the gates with a lot of noise, Naruto didn't stop even for a second as he sprinted out from the village, leaving the destroyed gate behind.


Minako was searching frantically through the village, she cursed her carelessness, before Nanami went to get Naruto she felt something behind the window but the presence was so weak that she thought that it was an animal, she should thought about the possibility of things like this happening, they gave Naruto too little attention and the words she said in the kitchen could be taken the wrong way.

''s all my fault, Hirari-sama shouldn't sacrifice her life to seal Kyūbi, I should be the one to do that.' Minako thought in sorrow, then she felt it, the very powerful presence she couldn't even compare to the one Kyūbi was giving off, she looked at the source and gasped the moon turned purple with black ripple-like pattern over it, she paused for few seconds to watch it before a small booming noise reached her ears, she disregarded it as Kushina searching for Naruto but after several more seconds a loud noise of explosion reached her ears, her eyes snapped to the gates of Konoha and went wide from shock, the gate was blown back by something, its massive hinges snapping under the unknown force.

"Naruto..." She said in shock, she knew that shouldn't be possible but something was telling her that it was in fact Naruto that destroyed the gate, without second thought Minako threw a three-pronged kunai toward the gate and waited for few seconds before it hit the ground, when it did Minako disappeared in a flash and reappeared in front of the gate, she sprinted out from the village and toward the direction when she felt a very small presence of Naruto, she hadn't noticed the moon changing, becoming red with ripple-like pattern and nine tomoe, a small black dot in the middle.


After several seconds of running Naruto fell face first into the ground, his body didn't have the strength to run anymore, he noticed the purple glow of the moon changing into a red one, Naruto then heard like something landed on the grass not too far away from him, he summoned all his strength to raise his head and look in that direction, his eyes went wide open when he saw the most beautiful person he ever saw.

The woman was tall, around 190cm in height with very delicate facial features and very pale skin, she had extremely long, sweeping white hair that touched the ground. Most noticeable were two brown horns which stuck out from her head, her eyes were that of the Hyūga clan, pupilless in a shade of lavender, her eyebrows were cut very short and she wore a dark shade of lipstick on her lips and a dark shade of nail polish on her long fingernails. She wore the transitional high-collared hime-kimono which was adorned with intricate lines that are gold and purple and tomoe running down the centre and edges of the gown.

He watched as the woman seemingly glided inches above the ground toward his position and crouched beside his prone body, taking him into her arms.

"Wh-who are you...?" Naruto asked weakly, the woman smiled down at him and stood up. She slowly floated up but a shout stopped her.

"Put my son down right now!" Naruto snapped his eyes toward the voice, he wasn't surprised when he saw Minako standing there with a angry look on her face, Naruto looked up at the woman who carried him and gasped, the third eye opened on the centre of her forehead that's eyelids parted vertically, the eye looked the same as the moon right now, with a ripple-like pattern which spreads over the eyeball, with red sclera and irises, containing a pattern of nine tomoe, the eye scared him slightly but the strangely calming presence of the woman caused his fear to wash away. A gasp caught his attention, he turned his gaze toward his mother and watched as she was slowly raised into air and she looked like something was choking her, after few seconds Minako's eyes rolled back into her head but the force didn't let go, scaring Naruto. He was angry at his family, true, but he didn't want his mother to die.

"Please stop it!" Naruto shouted, the woman's eyes went wide open for few seconds before the third eye closed, not leaving even a single hint that it was there before, Minako fall down to the ground, unconscious. The woman looked at Naruto to which he closed his eyes in fear, a gentle hand on his cheek caused his eyes to go wide open in surprise, the woman was smiling gently at Naruto with loving look in her eyes.

"Fear not Naru-chan, you're special, you will bring great changes into this world and anyone who disagree with that will kneel before your power...I will train you so you can be the most powerful person on this world." The woman said in a very beautiful voice, forcing a small blush from Naruto who looked at her in awe.

" do you know me?" Naruto asked, the woman looked over at the moon.

"Because I watched you for a long time, just as you watched me." Seeing the confused look of Naruto she giggled slightly, thinking about how cute he looked.

"My name is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, the Rabbit Goddess, I have the power over the moon and chakra." Naruto's eyes went wide open at her words.

"Then, can you give it to me? Give me chakra?" He asked slowly, still trying to process how exactly he end up like this, Kaguya smiled and brushed her hand through his nearly golden hair.

"I don't have to, before she was sealed inside you I gave my daughter a mission, she manipulated your body so that it would develop your own chakra coils, so that you wouldn't rely on her own chakra. At first I was afraid that she wouldn't do that but it turned out just right, but enough talk, we should go now, we have so much training before us." Naruto stared at her for few seconds before his eyes turned toward the unconscious form of his mother, feeling the inner conflict Naruto have she decided to reassure him.

"Don't worry Naru-chan, you will see them soon, I just need to take you away from them so that they will see what they threw away." Naruto looked at the Goddess holding him and smiled, snuggling closer to her, much to her delight. The seven years old Naruto quickly fell asleep in the Goddess arms, Kaguya smiled down at him lovingly. A black rift opened behind her into which she stepped in, as soon as she was inside it closed, not leaving any trace of existence.

Minako slowly opened her eyes to see her son seemingly asleep in the woman's arms, she tried to move her body to go after them but it didn't even twitched.

"Naru...chan..." She breathed out weakly and to her great shock the pale woman looked at her.

'Byakugan?!' Minako thought before the rift Kaguya stepped into disappeared, leaving Minako alone in the clearing. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks as she stared at the place she last time saw her son.

'Wait for me Naru-chan...Kaa-chan is coming for you...just wait...' Minako thought before her consciousness faded once more.


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