Hated - Chapter 12

NarutoXBleach Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was taken under the wing of few powerful people who trained him to take care of himself, however the bad treatment of the villagers caused him to develop deep hatred for them and his love for the village disappeared, now he's powerful enough to take care of himself and few people he holds dear. NarutoXHarem, Evil Naruto.

"Kyūbi/Hollow speaking"
"Zanpakutō spirit speaking"
Technique name

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.


Chapter 12: Bankai

Naruto coughed out blood as he slowly stood up from the hit he just received from the beast, he already destroyed half of it's tails but it only enraged the beast more, causing it's attacks to be more furious than before.

'Damn it, its hard to move even a little, if it continue like that I will not make it.' Naruto thought and rolled to the right as the beast swung its paw at him, creating a large crater where he once stood, Naruto tried to cut it off but he had to jump back as a tail nearly took his legs off. He winced as his body was moving slower by a minute, then, something happened, something that Naruto never thought a feral beast was capable of, a pain erupted through his back and stomach as a large bone pierced him from behind causing his eyes to open wide in shock.

'How...it was in front of me all the time.' He thought and slowly turned his head to the right, one of the tails managed to get behind him before he could notice and its tip transformed into spear-like blade, the tails moved as it brought Naruto closer to the beast that raised its paw, the blade slide out from Naruto and at the same time the beast swung down, crushing Naruto underneath its paw, when the paw was lifted it reveled a motionless Naruto lying there. The ground around inside the crater suddenly became a black, oil-like liquid in which Naruto's body began to slowly sunk, until he was completely gone and the ground returned to normal.


Kurumi's eyes perked up as she looked down the hole, however what she saw made her blood run cold in fear, Naruto laid down on the bottom of the shaft while the red energy began to envelop him in a cocoon-like structure, almost instantly Kurumi raised her hands above her head.

"Moeru dai gyakusatsu(Blazing Massacre)!" She shouted and a ball of white fire two times bigger than her appeared above her hands, almost instantly her clothes began to singe and burn down just like all the plants around the area, without a moment of hesitation she threw the ball down the shaft which upon contact with the cocoon exploded, causing a massive pillar of fire to erupt from the shaft, nearly reaching the clouds and evaporating all the water in the area. Much to her shock however it was of no use as a large skeleton of a beast began to climb toward the surface, Kurumi tried to once more to attack it but the beast roared, the shockwave sending her flying back away from the shaft, she managed to correct herself in the air and land on her feet, she glared at the beast as it escaped the shaft but then she her eyes lost all the light they held at what she saw.

"Na...Naruto?" She asked in disbelieve as he saw the body of the man she love floating inside the ball of lightning which was inside the beast's chest.


"I can't believe you are just giving up like that." Naruto heard a familiar female voice say as he floated inside the endless darkness, he slowly looked up with a dead look in his eyes and he saw a completely white copy of Kurumi floating in front of him.

"And what can I do, I just couldn't win, that thing is too dangerous." He said and hung his head, second later he felt something hit his left cheek, causing his head to forcefully turn to the right, he slowly looked back at Kurumi's Doppelganger and frowned.

"Is that all you can do, don't you love her?" The copy said and a white ripple appeared beside her from which a oval mirror floated out, the mirror's surface glowed for a second before it showed the image of Kurumi fighting the beast he was defeated by, however what caught his attention was the despair that he could see in her lifeless eyes.

"Wh-what?" Naruto asked in shock as he saw Kurumi struggling to dodge the beasts attacks, barely managing to do so.

"Are you just going to let that thing kill her, one of the women you love?!" Kurumi's copy shouted at him to which Naruto just closed his eyes tightly, a few tears escaping from beneath his eyelids.

"I...I don't want that...but I can't do anything here, I'm stuck." Naruto said weakly, he stayed like that for a second before he felt a warm hand on his cheek, he opened his eyes and looked at the other occupant of the space he was in, seeing her smiling that gently remained him of Kurumi when she talked about having kits someday.

"Do you want to change that?" At that question Naruto instantly nodded, showing his determination to save the one she love, Kurumi's clone nodded and placed her other hand on Naruto's other cheek.

"Then...you have everything you need to do so...my wielder." With that said she pressed her lips against his own, for a second nothing happened until a large white ripple spread from Naruto, completely illuminating the once black void.


"You...will die." A disembodied voice of Naruto sounded inside the cave, causing the beast to turn in the direction of the crater it made when it struck down Naruto, it growled when the ground inside the crater changed once more but this time it filled with something similar to a water of white color. After few seconds Naruto's hand broke through the surface, quickly followed by the rest of his body, the beast quickly backed away when it noticed the mask on Naruto's face. However now it was different, it has a line of four fanned out horns on top of the mask pointing back, each horn near the tip has a small hole through its sides for the golden rings dangling from them, attached to each ring is a white braid of material reaching to Naruto's neck, attached near the base of each braid is a glowing, bright blue pearl.

"Ban...Kai: Sōkō kyōki(Final Release: Armored Madness)" Naruto said and raised his right hand up, moments later a thunderbolt came down upon Naruto, destroying the roof of the cave and bathing everything inside in a blinding light. The lightning disappeared after few seconds but what stood in its place put fear inside the beast, ten tails similar to those of the beasts were growing from his tailbone, his back, legs and arms were covered in a segmented bone-like armor, however the most noticeable thing were two massive, bat-like skeletal wings, running between their bones were bolts of lightning, creating a membrane of sort. Naruto's wings flapped, rising him few meters above the ground where he stayed, Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I think I played around too much." He said in an emotionless voice before flapping his wings once more, sending hundreds orb of lighting at the beasts which didn't had time to react as most of the bullets connected with its body, each bolt creating small explosion that nearly disintegrated its body, Naruto pointed his hands forward at the beast which bones were slowly trying to assemble once more into a one body, large spears of pure lightning appeared around Naruto's body before flying at the tails belonging to the beast. It roared in agony as the orbs on its tails were destroyed in one move, its body quickly crumbled to ash and red energy began to float out from the pile, Naruto flew closer and the energy began flowing into his body, restoring his strength, after several more seconds it was over and Naruto sighed in relieve.

'Now, I just need to help everyone.' With that thought Naruto disappeared from his mind.


Kurumi panted as she rested on her hands and knees before the beast standing not too far from her, she closed her eyes awaiting her fate, tears streaming down her face and onto the ground, however what she received was a terrifying roar from the beast and a enormous bolt of lightning hitting it. She quickly looked up but immediately regretted it as she was nearly blinded, prompting her to close her eyes, after few seconds the light disappeared so she opened her eyes only to have her sight blocked by someone.

"Sorry Ku-hime, looks like I got you worried for a while." Her eyes shot wide open upon hearing that familiar voice, she slowly looked up and saw the masked face of Naruto, almost immediately she jumped onto him and wrapped her arms behind his neck before lifting up his mask and kissing him with as much passion as she could muster. Naruto quickly responded by kissing back but he pulled back after few seconds.

"Not now Ku-Hime, we must help Hinata-chan, she is in danger." Kurumi just nodded at his words and snuggled into his chest, Naruto smiled under his mask and wrapped his left hand around her waist tightly, holding her as close as possible. His wings flapped and they raised into the air before Naruto turned toward the direction of the bridge.

"Ready?" He asked, Kurumi simply nodded, relishing in his presence. With that, Naruto disappeared in a sonic boom, leaving a trail of snapped trees behind.


"You kids disgust me, the girl and bug boy I can respect slightly but you...you I can't stand dog breath." Aoi said in disgust as he kicked wounded Kiba away from him, right beside his teammates, Hinata groaned as she slowly began to stood up, her body covered with cuts and bruises.

"I...I will not give up...Naruto-kun will save us, we just need to hold on our own some more." Hinata said loud enough for Aoi to hear, causing him to scoff.

"That Naruto guy again, didn't you realize nobody is coming, you will all die here." He said as he began to walk toward Hinata, he took few steps forward but quickly had to jump back as a small swarm of bugs tried to cover his body. Shino slowly began to stand up, when he did he stood beside Hinata and curled his hands into fists.

"She is right, Naruto-san will get here any moment now, I can feel." Hinata nodded at his words, Aoi sighed and shook his head slightly.

"If you two are so sure about that then I will have to kill you before he gets here." With that he suddenly disappeared, causing Hinata and Shino to tense.

"Behind you kids." The two of them quickly turned just as Aoi swung his sword, a cruel smirk on his face. However before the sword came close to hurting them something pushed Hinata and Shino aside, Aoi didn't have time to react as a foot hit his face with a sonic boom, blowing away the mist in a wide radius and sending him flying like a bullet. His body hit on of the pillars supporting the bridge where it stayed. All around them fighting stopped as everyone wanted to see what happened.

"I think I appeared just in time, don't you think Hina-hime?" Hinata looked up at the person that saved her and gasped upon seeing the familiar form of Naruto.

"Na-Naruto-kun?" She asked uncertainly to which Naruto nodded and released his hold on Kurumi who pouted.

"Now stay back Ku-hime, I need to take care of something." Just as he said that Zabuza appeared with a wounded Aoi on his side.

"Watch out for that kid, he was the one who got me before." Zabuza said which earned him a smirk from Aoi.

"Really, that punk got you?" His question was answered by a glare from Zabuza.

"I mean it, don't underestimate him." Aoi just shrugged at that and pointed his sword at Naruto who decided to come closer to the two, Kakashi and Kurenai appeared to take care of the wounded Genin. Without saying a word Aoi and Zabuza disappeared before appearing above Naruto, already swinging their respective swords down, Naruto just caught Zabuza sword with his hand and did the same with Aoi's, shocking everyone present. He looked at Zabuza for a second before glaring at Aoi who felt his life slipping away from Naruto's gaze.

"You hurt my girl...now you die." Before anyone could notice what happened Naruto snapped both blades and grabbed Aoi's head with his now free hand, without hesitating he slammed Aoi's head onto the bridge before kicking Zabuza's chin with his heel, launching him from the ground, he quickly followed with another kick to his chest, sending him flying from the bridge and into the water below, then he turned toward Aoi who struggled to get Naruto's hand away from his face.

Naruto's wings began to shine brighter than before as he placed an index finger of his right hand on Aoi's chest, just above his heart, a small spark could be seen and he suddenly stopped moving, falling limp as his heart imploded with Naruto still gripping his head.

"He should be grateful I ended him so peacefully." Naruto said as his voice suddenly became normal once more, his mask disappearing in black flames. He turned toward Zabuza who jumped back onto the bridge, kneeling on all four as he tried to breath normally, the pieces of his sword lying beside him.

"So...I just killed one of your helpers...you still want to fight?" Naruto said with indifference, just then another Naruto appeared beside the group of Genin and Jōnin carrying Haku under his armpit and Sasuke in his right hand by the back of his shirt, the clone dropped Sasuke who grunted and lightly placed Haku on the ground. Zabuza saw the clone and sighed before sitting up.

"That's the second time you broke my sword brat, not cool." Naruto chuckled at that and was about to say something when clapping in the distance gained everyone's attention, they turned to the Nami's end of the bridge and saw Gatō along with a small army of thugs coming toward them.

"Look at that, the great Zabuza defeated by a child, you did a great job however, now I can kill them myself and don't have to pay you, can this day get any better?" The midget said loudly to which Naruto sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, he pointed the palm of his right hand at Gatō and sighed once more.

"Hadō #31: Shakkahō." A orb of red energy suddenly appeared in front of Naruto's palm, the grew in size until it was bigger than his head and Naruto fired it at the small army in form of a bright red pillar of destructive energy that tore through Gatō and his thugs like nothing, when the pillar disappeared nothing was left except the pieces of clothing, ash and a trail carved into the bridge. Everyone stared at Naruto in shock at how easily he killed them without even blinking.

"Now I think we should go back, I feel kinda tired right now." With that said he began to walk back toward Tazuna's house with Kurumi happily following him. Everyone, even Haku and Zabuza, soon followed after him.


(August 13 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Nami no Kuni)

The next day everyone gathered inside Tazuna's living room but Naruto was absent, Kakashi quickly noticed that and turned toward Kurumi who was smiling brightly.

"Kurumi-san, where is Naruto?" He asked to which Kurumi shrugged.

"He told me he have something to do in ruins of Uzushiogakure, he should be back in few days." Kakashi's eyes opened wide in shock at that.

"What?! He shouldn't go alone, it's dangerous!" At that Kurumi gave him a blank stare.

"Really? After what he did yesterday you still doubt him, some Sensei you are." She said flatly, Sasuke growled under his breath as he was told what happened when he was unconscious, defeated by Haku.

'That bitch, how could she rise a hand at me, she even have the guts to stay here.' He thought in disgust as he looked at Haku, she noticed the look but just labeled it as nothing.

"Everyone, let's just do our job, we were hired to protect Tazuna until the bridge is finished and that's what we will do." At that most of them nodded except Kiba and Sasuke, both of them cursing the blond who, in their eyes, stole their glory.


  1. It is really hard to read with the dark background and dark font it would br easier if the font was a bit lighter maybe a lighter red or something


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