Hated - Chapter 11

NarutoXBleach Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was taken under the wing of few powerful people who trained him to take care of himself, however the bad treatment of the villagers caused him to develop deep hatred for them and his love for the village disappeared, now he's powerful enough to take care of himself and few people he holds dear. NarutoXHarem, Evil Naruto.

"Kyūbi/Hollow speaking"
"Zanpakutō spirit speaking"
Technique name

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.


Chapter 11: Demon

Naruto sighed as he traveled through the scorched forest, it seems like hours since he got here but he still couldn't find the entrance to the seal that once held Kurumi, looking once more at the mountain far away from him he saw the thunderstorm quickly approaching which caused Naruto to curse under his breath.

'Dammit, it's harder than I thought, at this rate I will never find it.' Naruto thought and looked around, a sigh escaping his lips.

'To think so much damage could be caused to this forest, no wonder I feel like crap.' He looked at the mountain once more when he heard something that shouldn't be here, a roar of some animal.

"What the fuck..." Naruto muttered and began to run in the direction of the sound, he passed many destroyed trees but one in particular stood out from the black mass of wood, it was a massive, burned out tree with a opening big enough for a person. Naruto upon spotting the tree stopped instantly and send in that direction a blank stare.

'Oh...I forgot how big this place is.' He thought and instead of the mountain began to run toward the large tree, several seconds he stood in front of it but a scowl marred his face.

"Damn, that don't look too good." Naruto muttered and stepped inside the tree, he instantly saw a slightly charred door-frame with the splinters of what once was doors scattered all around it, instead of the doors its place was replaced by darkness.

'Well, no use standing here.' He thought and reached his head toward the darkness, his hand passed through like it was the surface of water, his hand gone from his sight but the feeling stayed.

'Good to know it works.' Without further hesitating Naruto stepped inside the darkness, disappearing inside the water-like surface.


What he saw on the other side caused his blood to boil in anger, it looked just like before but everything inside was completely destroyed, even if it was once holding his lover he still had many wonderful memories tied to this place. He clenched his fists and walked inside the bedroom and to say he was furious would be an understatement, the room looked like someone put a pile of paper bombs and detonated them in the middle of the room, he quickly looked around and noticed few lightly burned papers laying down on the floor, without hesitation he picked up one of them and looked at it, a smile instantly appearing on his face.

'So even she had a diary.' Naruto thought as he looked at the paper, it has the date of the day she was released from here and only one word, 'free' wrote in bold letters. Naruto put the page inside his pocket and turned toward the exit.

'No use standing here, I still have to find that energy.' He thought and walked out, sparing only a single glance at the room.


(August 12 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Nami no Kuni)

It was late morning and Kurumi sat near the shaft Naruto is kept in with Kakashi sitting across from her, both of them trying to kill time by playing poker.

"So...how long will it take?" Kakashi asked lazily to which Kurumi shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe a day or two, it's really hard to tell how large his mind is, however once he find my power and subdue it he should wake up." She said and set her cards down, showing Kakashi a Royal Flush.

"What?! How is this possible, it's the third time in a row?!" At that question Kurumi smirked.

"It seems like Naruto's luck rubbed off on me...anyway shouldn't you be going to the bridge, we don't know when Zabuza will attack." Kurumi said calmly, Kakashi nodded and was about to stand up when they heard an explosion in the distance, Kakashi instantly got up and looked at Kurumi.

"Let's hope Naruto will be able to help." With that said he run off toward the bridge, leaving Kurumi and Naruto behind. She sighed and also got up, she walked to the edge of the shaft and looked down at the form of Naruto who was moving ever so slightly.

'Huh? I thought it would take him much more to find it, my love really is full of surprises.' Kurumi thought and sat down with her legs hanging off the edge.

'Please hurry up Naru-koi, show everyone not to mess with you.'


"Fuck...finally here..." Naruto said tiredly as he reached the final step in his climb, the entrance to the cave. He stood up and took a step inside the cave but almost instantly a soundwave caused by a roar hit his face .

'So it's here.' He thought and stepped further inside cave. his eyes went wide open in shock upon realizing the difference in size the inside of the cave has over the mountain.

"That place is at least three times taller than that mountain itself, the entrance must have take me to another section of my mind." Naruto said and took a step forward, just then a monstrous, disembodied roar sounded from the darkness in front of him, the shock wave it left behind nearly send Naruto flying. He began to stare into the darkness but after few seconds several orbs of lightning appeared, hovering above the floor and illuminating the darkness.

'What the fuck is that?' Naruto thought as the creature in front of him was revealed. It was a gigantic skeleton of a wolf-like creature with ten bone-like segmented tails, each ending with a ring in which a tiny blue orb is embedded, it also has a goat-like skull similar to Naruto's mask but without the hook-like mark and in each of its empty eye holes was a large blue flame. Then he noticed that the orbs of lightning were on every joint of the creatures body and it's size was two times larger than Kurumi's in her fox form.

"Oh fuck me..." Naruto muttered and without hesitation lunged at the creature that did the same as him.


Kurumi stared down the shaft in worry as a black flame-like Reiatsu with blue specks covered his body.

"Naruto-kun, please be safe." She muttered and clutched her right hand to her chest.


"Ame ga Futte!" Naruto shouted and thrust his palm in front of himself without holding back, unlike what happened when he fought Kakashi the shockwave hit the paw that tried to smash him, sending the bones everywhere. Naruto quickly dashed to the other paw and began to run up on it, causing the creature to bite on its of leg in hope of catching the blond but Naruto proved to be faster than the enormous beast, quickly reaching its back and pointing his right palm at the back of its head.

"Hadō #63. Raikōhō!" Naruto shouted as an orb of yellow electricity appeared in front of his palm, it quickly changed shape into a spear of lightning which grew to the size of the creatures paw before shrinking to the size of Naruto's palm.

"Raikōhō: Sairin!" Naruto shouted again and the projectile in front of him seemingly disappeared before a enormous explosion blew him of from the creatures back, he quickly corrected himself in air and threw one of his Anshiya tanto's to the ground before appearing near it in a cloud of black smoke just as a tail flew through the place she was in before, Naruto quickly threw another tanto at the creature and flew through a series of handsigns before shouting.

"Tajū Kage Tanto Bunshin no Jutsu!" In a puff of smoke the one tanto he threw became thousands as it rained down on the beast who roared as the bones returned to its body, then Naruto pulled out his sword and smirked.

"Time to end this." He muttered and used Anshiya to appear above the beasts head, he raised his sword above his head and was about to swung it down when the beasts tail hit his right side, nearly crushing his body and sending him flying into the cave's wall. When he hit it Naruto felt every bone in his body creak under the pressure and he coughed out blood. Without another word he appeared at the base of its tails and looked at the orbs.

'Maybe this is the weak spots, I don't have other ideas.' Naruto thought and quickly jumped back as the beasts tail tried to take his head off, for Naruto the time slowed as he concentrated on one of the orbs, he gripped his sword tightly and began to run toward the orb on the beasts tail, causing it to roar and try to threw him off desperately, after few seconds Naruto was right near the orb and raised his sword above his head with the blade pointing down, he gripped it tightly with both hands and let out a animalistic roar as he swung it down, piercing the orb which exploded second later, causing the beasts to roar like nothing before and tried to crush Naruto who was threw back by the explosion. Seconds before it could happen he appeared above its head and delivered a powerful punch on top of its head, causing it to smash against the ground.


"Jouro Senbon!" A shout came forcing the Genin of Team 8 to jump back as a rain of senbon rained down on them, Hinata glared at the man in front of them as he caught his umbrella.

"Come on, is that all Konoha has? Don't make me laugh." Aoi Rokushō said as he faced against the kids in front of him, he could feel his partner Zabuza Momochi and his student behind him somewhere inside the mist. He sighed when the Genin didn't reply and reached toward his waist where Raijin no Ken was, he gripped its handle and pulled it out, causing a blade of lightning to form.

'No good, the best we can do is hold him off before someone would help us out.' Hinata thought as images of Naruto with his Seele Schneider flashed through her mind.

'You don't know how much I want you to be here Naruto-kun.' She thought as she took her Jūken stance.


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