MGE: Heroic Maelstrom : Prologue

Naruto X Monster Girl Encyclopedia Fanfiction

Description: Two years have passed since the fourth Great Shinobi War and the life of one blond young man is never easy. However after an accident with a seal he found himself in a completely new world, now a new adventure awaits him...along with a lot of sex.

"Bijū speaking"

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Monster Girl Encyclopedia.


In one of many bars in Konoha one Naruto Uzumaki sits on the stool by the bar with a bottle of sake in his hand, a deep frown on his face.

'I can't fucking get a break, this year sucks.' Naruto thought as he took another swing from the bottle, most people didn't pay attention to him but those who did began to murmur about it.

"Did you heard, another breakup, that kid really has a bad luck with women." A middle-aged men whispered to his friends, earning nods in return.

"Yeah, this time it was Yamanaka heiress, the girl cheated on him." Another one said.

"That will be like, forth breakup this year, the easiest was with Hinata-sama, they just weren't compatible so each went their own way." Yet another man said, shaking his head a little.

"The kid deserve some happiness after all he has done." The first man said and looked at Naruto who by now emptied the whole bottle. The man turned back to restart the conversation when the whole bar went quiet, the reason for that was one Tsunade Senju entering the bar and sitting next to Naruto.

"Brat, how long are you here?" She asked Naruto who only huffed at her question, after several seconds he glanced at the clock hanging from the wall with a scoff.

"Around five hours now, yet I still don't feel much from this." Naruto said, raising the bottle in his hand up. The blond duo stayed silent for several seconds before Tsunade sighed in annoyance.

"Naruto...I'm sure you will find someone who truly loves you...just...just don't do anything stupid." Tsunade said as she looked worriedly at Naruto, the young man just huffed before leaving a stack of bills at the counter.

"It should cover few more bottles for you, I'm going home." Naruto said as he began to stood up, however Tsunade placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"You know what, why don't you take a short vacation, it should give you some time to calm down." Tsunade said with a smile which Naruto returned.

"Thanks Baa-chan, you're the best!" He gave the older blond a hug before running out from the bar. It only took few minutes before he arrived at his apartment, upon walking inside he quickly began packing for a few days trip, when he was done he looked around and frowned upon seeing how bare his place looked, without the photos he packed the place looked almost like no one lived here.

"So kit, where do you plan on going?" A voice said in his mind, making Naruto snap out from his thoughts.

'I don't know Kurama, maybe I should see how Gaara is doing...or go to Nami...I don't really know.' He thought and walked toward his bed, he set the large scroll with his stuff by the bed and flopped down on the soft mattress.

"You can go somewhere else, this few days should give you some time to improve your father's technique." The fox said to which Naruto hummed in thought, he slowly closed his eyes to go to sleep.

'Maybe, few days outside the village will be good for me, I could also practice Fūinjutsu in peace...the last attempt at my new seal ended badly.' Naruto thought with a frown at the last attempt to create something new.

"Well, you are a seal master after all, and an Uzumaki too, Fūinjutsu is something that comes naturally to you, I have a feeling that soon enough you will improve the Hiraishin." Kurama said to which Naruto grinned slightly.

'You bet I will, for now I need the energy for tomorrow, good night Kurama.' Naruto thought and relaxed, slowly falling asleep.

"Good night kit, get some rest." Kurama said and fallen silent. Naruto didn't waste the time in falling asleep, soon all that could be heard inside his room was steady breathing.


The next day, after saying goodbye to Tsunade and some of his friends Naruto decided to travel in the direction of Suna, to visit his friend Gaara. Several hours later he decided to camp in a forest near the border of Hi no Kuni and Kaze no Kuni. By the campfire sat Naruto with a small opened scroll in front of him.

"God dammit, why is it so hard!" Naruto shouted in frustration as he gazed angrily at the piece of paper in front of him, he already cracked open the seal his father used and tried to improve it, after few hours he managed to make some changes and the entire thing looked stable but no matter how much chakra he used it did nothing but lit up slightly.

'Think, think, all symbols looks in place but it still does nothing more than lit up, what am I missing here.' Naruto thought as he gazed at the sealing matrix, he quickly performed few adjustments and placed his finger on a small Uzumaki symbol in the middle. After moving his finger counter-clockwise the entire matrix began to recede into toward the symbol and the entire thing began to change shape, it turned into a small Uzumaki clan symbol with two vertical lines of kanji, one on top and the other on the bottom, he took one of the kunai his father used and used chakra to imprint the sealing matrix on the handle.

'One more time, if it works then good, if not...I will just go to sleep and try again later.' Naruto thought and threw the kunai into a nearby tree, he focused on his link to the seal and pushed chakra through it, the seal on the kunai glowed much brighter this time but other than that nothing happened. With a sigh Naruto decided to call it a day when Kurama's voice sounded through his mind.

"Kit, use my chakra, it should help." The fox said to which Naruto raised an eyebrow, he shrugged his shoulders.

'Eh, why not.' Naruto thought and send some of Kurama's chakra through the link, the seal on the kunai lit up a bright red color, nearly blinding Naruto with its intensity, forcing him to close his eyes. Then he felt it, a pull toward the kunai, however it wasn't what he expected so he opened his eyes and saw something that shocked him. Just in front of the kunai was a vertical oval portal with flaming purple edges and complete darkness inside.

"Kurama?! What the hell is going on?!" Naruto shouted in fright as he realized that the pull emanated from the portal.

"Hang on kit, I will call the rest to help!" Kurama shouted in distress and send a chakra pulse, few seconds later he felt seven more shapes appearing inside Naruto's subconsciousness, every other tailed beast besides Hachibi appeared.

"Quickly, we must help Naruto!" Seeing Kurama like that the other Bijū began sending their chakra into Naruto's body, hoping to overpower the pull on his body. In the outside world Naruto was still pulled closer to the strange portal, no matter what he did he couldn't pull away, he tried to stop the flow of chakra through the link but the portal was still there and much bigger than before.

'Shit! It's no use!' Naruto thought and quickly grabbed the small scroll and the big scroll with his stuff inside.

'Kurama! It's no use, the only thing I can do is dive in and find a way out on the other side!' Naruto shouted to his friend who growled angrily.

"Fine, however my siblings are staying with us for now, you will need our help." When Kurama said that Naruto felt a large amount of chakra flooding into the seal on his stomach, he gritted his teeth at the pain it brought but he stopped resisting the pull, his body was forcefully pulled inside the portal just as he felt the presence of seven other Bijū appearing in the seal.

Then, all he could see was darkness as he lost consciousness.


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