The Owl King - Chapter 1

Naruto Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was kicked out from the orphanage and ventured into the forest surrounding the village where his life changed, he would forever wonder how the hell that happened. NarutoXHarem, Owl summoner Naruto, Strong Naruto.

"Kyūbi/demon/summon speaking"
'Kyūbi/demon/summon thinking'
Technique name

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any other show which can be similar to something appearing in story.


Chapter 1: The Beginning 

'Stupid matron kicking me out, it's night already so I shouldn't bother Jii-san too much.' The six year old Naruto Uzumaki thought as he walked with hands in his pockets and lowered head, it was late evening and not many people were on the streets but those who were still up looked at Naruto's small form with frowns. 

'I must find some shelter for the night, maybe it won't be raining but the wind can pick up anytime.' He thought as he slowly walked outside the village gate, the two gate guards Izumo and Kotetsu instantly recognized the child.

"Hey kid, where do you think you are going?" Kotetsu asked calmly and slowly as he noticed Naruto stiffening shoulders, they instantly knew that the kid's life wasn't all that good.

"I...I wanted in the know...a campfire and stuff like that." Naruto said nervously to which Kotetsu raised his eyebrow.

"That sound...nice actually, I will go with you kid, can't have you going into the forest this late." With that said Kotetsu stood up and began to walk away with Naruto despite Izumo's protests.


'What the hell just happened?' It was all he could think at the moment as he stared at the scene of a chūnin being tossed around by a 2 meters tall owl with midnight black feathers and glowing silver eyes, he had fun while the chūnin told him stories about all the missions he took which Naruto was mesmerized by, it all started three hours after they started the fire as a large owl dived from the sky and began to attack the chūnin but only using blunt force so it didn't cut him up with its talons.

"Gahhh!" The chūnin cried out as his head hit against the tree, knocking him out. Naruto quickly turned toward the owl and began to back away when it began to get closer to him, he was  in the middle of turning when a powerful male voice full of wisdom hit his ears.

"Stay right there." The owl ordered to which Naruto immediately froze in place, the owl walked closer until it was standing behind Naruto.

"Look at me young one." He did like ordered without even a flinch which angered the owl slightly.

'No child should be THAT obedient, if what I feel is right then it could be the answer.' The owl thought as he stared at the small child in front of him.

"Tell me young one, what are your feelings about Konoha?" The owl asked which earned him a flinch from the child.

'How bad could life be for someone so young and innocent, without a shadow of doubt I feel Kurama sealed inside this child but that old vixen value her freedom above all else, how could she allow herself to be sealed inside a child.' The owl thought as it awaited the answer.

"I...I don't like it that much...most people are mean to me and I don't have much friends but I cherish my friends dearly, I want to protect them which, unfortunately, I have to stay in Konoha to do." He answered nervously at first which quickly turned into determination. The owl was amazed by the level of maturity no child should have.

'That kid...maybe he is the one from prophecy...' The owl moved closer to Naruto and placed both of its wings on Naruto's shoulders.

"I see...then what would you say if I can train you but to do that you won't see the village in a couple of years?" The owl asked seriously to which Naruto looked hesitant for a while before looking at the owl straight in the eyes.

"Will it make me strong enough to protect my precious people?" Naruto asked which caused the owl's eyes to soften. 

"It will, you will be one of the most powerful people on this name is Furui, and if you accept my offer from this day on you will call me sensei." Furui said as it awaited the child's reply.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, teach me well Furui-sensei." Naruto said in excitement as he looked up at the Furui's face. The owl just smiled and enveloped the child with his wings.

"Then let us be off." With that said both of them disappeared in a cloud of smoke leaving an unconscious chūnin behind.


How was that, the idea to make this story came completely from nowhere but I'm not complaining. See you soon and I hope you enjoyed that.


  1. Naruto summoning owls? I thought no one would pick it. I'm glad I was wrong. Now the only summon that's left for me to see it's moths.

  2. Not a bad choice at all different and unique I'll always prefer a good fox summoning fic without eye bullshit thank you very much. But this is definately a decent fic in the making tempted to get an account now.


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