Hated - Chapter 10

NarutoXBleach Fanfiction

Description: Naruto was taken under the wing of few powerful people who trained him to take care of himself, however the bad treatment of the villagers caused him to develop deep hatred for them and his love for the village disappeared, now he's powerful enough to take care of himself and few people he holds dear. NarutoXHarem, Evil Naruto.

"Kyūbi/Hollow speaking"
"Zanpakutō spirit speaking"
Technique name

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.


Chapter 10: Wave (part 3)

(August 5 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Nami no Kuni)
Naruto sighed as he walked out from Tazuna's house and began to walk into the nearby forest, it wasn't even few hours since they got here and yet he already had enough, Tazuna and his daughter Tsunami were alright but Tsunami's son, Inari...well...it's better to not go into that.

"Naru-kun?" Kurumi's voice sounded from behind his back to which he turned toward her with a tiny smile on his face.

"Sorry, I just had problems with my temper lately." Naruto said and began to scratch the back of his head, Kurumi chuckled and walked up to him.

"It's okay, however it seems like there is more to it than just this...will you tell me?" Kurumi asked, Naruto sighed and crossed his arms on his chest while making a slightly annoyed face.

"To tell the truth...it's not like I didn't want to fight Zabuza...it's just...ever since I released you from the seal my powers are sometimes unresponsive...I just...don't know what is happening...and it's irritating." When Naruto said that Kurumi's eyes went wide open from shock and she immediately pulled up Naruto's shirt, she placed her palm on his stomach and pumped some chakra, showing the seal that once was her prison. However her expression turned into a look of horror when she noticed the state of the seal, several pieces were missing and the whole seal looked like a shattered glass.

'It's no good, the seal is messing up with his powers, that much is obvious. I can't do anything from the outside.' Kurumi thought and took her hand from Naruto's stomach.

"I think I've got a solution, however it would take some time...few days to be precise." At this Naruto's eyes went wide from shock.

"Few days! We don't have so much time!" Naruto raised his voice, even now he could feel his powers dropping down so he didn't have such luxury as time. Kurumi saw that and shook her head with a sigh.

"There is no other option, the seal on your stomach is messing up your whole body, the only way to help you is destroying the seal from the inside." When she said that Naruto looked at her in surprise.

"The seal? I thought it would be gone once you are free?" At this Kurumi smiled and shook her head in amusement.

"Not exactly, the seal was still holding my Chakra, you should know that the Chakra of demons is unique because it clings to the user, that's why it's so hard to extract. My theory is simple, without me to hold it the Chakra began to trash around and damaged the seal, now you have to go inside your head and claim that chakra, then you would finish it's work...however Kakashi would be helpful with that." Naruto listened to her in great interest, he nodded as the plan sounded rather easy yet the part with Kakashi surprised him slightly.

"Kakashi? Why we should need him?" Naruto asked, Kurumi just winked and turned around.

"That's a secret." She said and began to walk back toward Tazuna's house, when she disappeared behind the trees Naruto sighed.

"What a woman, will I ever understand her." Naruto complained loudly, however he couldn't help a smile that appeared on his lips, he shook his head in amusement and began to walk back to Tazuna's house.


"I'm back." Naruto announced as he entered the house, inside the living room Team 7 along with Kurumi and Tazuna are sitting.

"Ah, I was just about to go get you Naruto, please sit down." Naruto sat on the couch beside Sasuke while Sakura also sat beside Sasuke. Kakashi sighed and ruffled his hair in annoyance.

"To tell the truth...Zabuza is not dead." At that Sakura's and Sasuke's eyes opened wide from shock while Tazuna visibly paled. Naruto sighed as he leaned forward.

"The Shinobi that supposedly killed Zabuza was actually working with him." Naruto said with closed eyes, Kakashi nodded at this.

"Exactly, that's why we now have to worry about another opponent, maybe there are more ninja Gatō hired, it should take Zabuza around a week to recover so we will use this time to prepare, hopefully the backup will arrive by the time...otherwise we don't have much chance." Kakashi said seriously, Kurumi however scuffed at him.

"Don't forget you have me here, I can easily take down anyone you..." Kurumi began to speak proudly but Naruto placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Ku-hime, I know you are eager for a fight but you still haven't returned to full strength, even with the seal it will take few months to return your chakra to an acceptable level." Naruto's words brought a gentle smile to Kurumi's face along with a bright pink blush.

"Naru-kun..." She whispered and looked at Naruto with eyes full of love.

'That's why I love you, even with that darkness inside you, you won't let me be hurt.' Kurumi thought lovingly and nodded slightly.

"You are right, I'm sorry." Kurumi said to which Naruto smiled and shook his head.

"Don't be, it's not your fault after all." Naruto said and placed both of his hands on her cheeks, lightly forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Remember Ku-hime, it doesn't matter if you are strong or not, I love you no matter what." At this Kurumi grinned.

"You certainly know how to get a woman in the mood." She said and hugged him, bringing her lips closer to his own, that moment however was broken by a scoff from Sasuke who crossed his arms on his chest and huffed loudly.

"Disgusting." Simple comment caused Kurumi to gave Sasuke a death glare.

"You want to die Uchiha? I can only tolerate your presence so far but if you push your luck even Kakashi won't help you." Kurumi said with anger clear in her eyes, Sasuke went stiff in fear but the whole situation was handled by Naruto.

"Now now, let's all calm down so we can live another day." Naruto said with a smile but it quickly ended as he send a bone-chilling glare at Sasuke.

"And you princess...better save your brooding to yourself...am I clear?" Sasuke almost instantly nodded at the cold voice Naruto used, Kakashi only sighed and face-palmed.

"Can we just get back to what we discussed earlier...please?" Naruto turned toward Kakashi and nodded slightly to which Kakashi sighed in relieve.

"As I was saying, we have to prepare for multiple enemies, that's why rest well tonight as tomorrow we will start very early." With that said the members of Team 7 nodded and dispersed, each going to do what they wanted.


(August 6 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Nami no Kuni)

"Now, today we will learn something new." Kakashi said with an eye-smile, Sasuke smirked while Sakura fidgeted slightly, however Naruto and Kurumi stood some distance away from the rest of their team, discussing something. Kakashi saw that but just shook his head.

'Whatever, he probably already knows about this exercise.' Kakashi thought and turned toward his two younger students.

"Now today we will learn...tree climbing." He said cheerfully to which both Sakura and Sasuke deadpanned.

"But...why? I don't see much sense in this?" Sakura asked to which Kakashi gave them another one of his patented eye-smiles.

"And here is where it gets interesting, we will learn climbing trees...without using hands." Kakashi said and walked up to the tree, he placed on of his legs on the bark and seconds later he was already walking up the tree it was nothing.

"See, no hands." Kakashi said with an eye-smile, Sakura along with Sasuke stared at Kakashi in disbelieve, that is, until Naruto walked beside them and glared at Kakashi.

"Are you fucking nuts, it won't help them in trouble!" Naruto shouted up at him which caused the silver haired man to sigh.

"We have to start with something, not everyone are as talented as you Naruto." When he said that Naruto sighed and turned around.

"Whatever." Naruto muttered and walked away from them, going back to where Kurumi stand. Kakashi sighed and shook his head at that.


(August 7 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Nami no Kuni)

Night was slowly approaching in the Wave Country, right now Naruto and Kurumi were tasked with a very important mission, escorting their backup to Tazuna's house.

"You know, this past few days we couldn't do anything beside cuddling." Kurumi said with a whine to which Naruto nodded.

"I know it sucks but it can't be helped, however once this mission is over I will take you on a date." Naruto's words caused Kurumi to smile brightly at her man, she looped her right arm through his left one as they walked down the road.

"I would like that, come on, they shouldn't be too far now." Kurumi said and pulled Naruto with her as she speed up her walk, few minutes later they arrived at an empty clearing which caused Naruto to sigh.

"Okay guys, you can come out now." He said aloud, for few seconds nothing happened before they heard rustling in a tree beside them, to their surprise Team 8 jumped out from the tree and walked up to Naruto.

"Yuhi-san." Naruto said with a slight bow as Kurenai walked up to him.

"Hello Uzumaki-san, good you could make it." At that Naruto sighed and shook his head.

"Please Yuhi-san, just call me Naruto, I don't like formalities." Kurenai smiled at Naruto's words and nodded.

"Alright, maybe we should get going now." Naruto smiled and nodded, his eyes however quickly turned to a blushing Hinata.

"Good to see you Hinata, how are you feeling?" Naruto asked kindly at which Hinata looked away and began to play with her hands.

"G-good, Naruto-kun." Naruto nodded and was about to walk away when something caught his attention, he looked at Hinata's right hand wrapped in bandages.

"Did someone attacked you?" Naruto asked seriously, surprising everyone except Kurumi who just smiled at his protectiveness.

"Just some thugs, they didn't stand much chance but one of them scored a scratch on Hinata's hand." At Kurenai's words Naruto sighed in relief.

"Thank Kami, now, let's go." Naruto said and smiled at Hinata.

"Come on Hina-hime, you are probably tired." He said and reached his right hand to Hinata who could only blush heavily and take his hand.

"Th-thank you...Naruto-kun." Hinata said quietly, Naruto nodded and began to walk back to Tazuna's house with Hinata and Kurumi by his side, some point along the way Naruto also took Kurumi's hand with his left one. Kurenai upon seeing his smiled slightly, seeing how happy Hinata is right now.

'To think someone with his past can still be this loving, Hinata is one lucky girl, even if she have to share him.' Kurenai thought and looked at her other students, she noticed that Shino is as quiet as ever but Kiba was glaring at the back of Naruto's head.

'Strange, I never saw Kiba like that.' Kurenai thought but she quickly shook her head.

'No matter, I have a feeling that it will not end badly.' With that she looked ahead, noting to ask Kiba about his behavior later.


(August 8 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Nami no Kuni)

"As you can see, we need Kakashi to restore Naruto's powers, do you understand?" Kurumi asked to which Kakashi and Kurenai nodded along with Naruto, it was late evening and the four of them just finished discussing about Naruto's powers.

"I understand, I will help however I can but it must be at least two days from now, I still have Sakura and Sasuke to take care of." Kakashi said with his trademark eye-smile to which Kurumi growled slightly but nodded nonetheless.

"I get it, those pests won't take care of themselves." Kurumi muttered quietly and stood up, Naruto looked at her and smiled lovingly.

"Ne, Ku-hime...do you have a moment?" Naruto asked to which Kurumi smiled and nodded.

"Of course, what do you need?" Instead of answering her Naruto stood up and gently took her hand before walking toward the door, Kurumi just blinked in confusion but followed him outside, when they left the house Naruto began to walk inside the forest, putting even further distance between them and the house.

"Naru-kun, where are we going?" Kurumi asked, Naruto just looked at her for a moment and grinned.

"Well, you complained about not being able to do anything beside cuddling so I thought about making it up to you." When he said that Kurumi blushed slightly, already loving that idea.

"A-Alright, just be sure to sate my desires...you know how I can get." A short laugh was her answer, after several minutes of walking they finally stopped in a small forest clearing. Naruto turned toward her and grabbed her by her waist, pulling her closer toward his body.

"Tonight you have me at your disposal." He said and gently grabbed the back of her head with his right hand, before she could react Naruto pulled her into a passionate kiss which she melted into almost instantly.


(August 9 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Nami no Kuni)

Naruto opened his eyes as the sunlight hit his eyelids, he grunted as he tried to sat up but a weight on his chest prevented him from doing so,

'Fuck, she really is hard to please. I must get back my power or else she would literally fuck the life out of me.' Naruto thought and looked on top of his chest and smiled upon seeing the mop of crimson hair blocking his view.

'Now that's the sight I want to wake up for.' He thought and created a shadow clone with whom he substituted, all of this done silently as to not wake up Kurumi. Naruto looked up and stretched his limbs, enjoying the popping sound of his joints, he took a deep breath of the fresh air and sighed in content.

"Well then, what to do?" Naruto asked himself around, however, before he could do anything a rustling coming from the bushes across the clearing alerted him to someone's presence. He looked in that direction and his eyebrow raised in amusement, from behind the bushes a young girl of around 155 cm in height walked out, she has long black hair, pale skin, large, dark-brown eyes and slender frame. She wore a pink, sleeveless kimono, with pale red edges and decorated with small plum-colored swirls, that went to her ankles. Around her waist was a simple white obi tied in a bow, and she wore a pair of light brown sandals with dark straps. She also wore a dark-colored choker around her neck. Naruto noticed she has a basket filled with various herbs in her hand.

'I wasn't expecting to meet her so soon.' Naruto thought and began to walk toward the girl, when she noticed him she flinched visibly.

'How? I didn't felt his presence before?' The girl thought as Naruto stood a small distance in front of her, his arms crossed over his chest and a gentle smile on his face.

"So, I see that Zabuza is still recovering." Naruto said to which she tensed even more and retrieved the senbon she hide inside her sleeve, Naruto noticed that and shook his head.

"Stop that, I'm not here to fight with you, my name is Naruto by the way." At that Haku looked into his eyes, after several moments of silence she sighed slightly.

"Haku...how did you know?" A soft chuckle was her answer, she frowned and opened her mouth to say something but Naruto's next words stopped her.

"You have his scent on you, not enough to suggest an intimate relationship but enough to know that you spend a lot of time with that person...I also know that you are a girl so don't try to lie." Haku's eyes went wide open at this.

"I must say it is a very good thing that I met you here, we can talk like civilized people without Zabuza trying to gut me out." At that comment Haku giggled slightly.

"He is still angry about his defeat, so, what do you want to talk about?" Naruto smiled and looked up at the clouds above.

"To tell the truth, I want to give you a second chance at life." After Naruto said that a silence fell on both of them, Haku could only stare at the man before her in shock.

"What?" The question was said so quietly that Naruto almost missed it.

"You heard me, I didn't heard or read about you so that means you are not in a Bingo Book, Zabuza on the other hand is very famous, many people will target you just to get to him." At that Haku took a defensive stance which caused Naruto to sigh.

"Look, I don't really want to fight and I don't care for some of my...'comrades'...the only thing I want is give you and Zabuza protection, as a head of the Uzumaki clan I can protect both of you." That only earned him a glare.

"It's hard to believe." Haku said which once again caused Naruto to sigh and facepalm, irritation began to surface in him.

"Girl, I am a head of the Uzumaki clan, pledging your loyalty to my clan will give you protection and we wouldn't have to fight, trust me, you and Zabuza won't stand a chance against me." Naruto said in irritation and began to scratch the back of his head.

"Anyway, just tell this to Zabuza, I REALLY want to avoid fighting." With that said Naruto turned and began to walk toward the tree where Kurumi was still sleeping under, he picked her up in a bridal style and turned last time toward Haku.

"A word of advice, the herbs you search for are in a small field that way." Naruto said tilting his head behind him, Haku just stared at him for few seconds before he began to walk away, after few minutes Naruto suddenly stopped with wide eyes.

'Fuck...I forgot to ask if they work with someone else.' Naruto thought and looked behind him, however, he decided to just walk back.

'Whatever, I just hope that Kurumi's plan will work out.' He thought and sighed.

'It better will.'


(August 11 - 15 years after Kyūbi's attack - Nami no Kuni)

Naruto grunted as he picked himself up and spat out some dust, he looked up toward the top of the deep shaft he was dropped into and glared at the grinning Kurumi who stood there with hands on her waist. His attire looked normal but he didn't have his sword on himself and his hands are bound behind his back.

'I swear, it's Urahara once again.' Naruto thought and sighed after several seconds of glaring, Kurumi took that as a sign to say something.

"Naru-koi, now listen carefully. You must go into your inner world and find my energy, it shouldn't be too hard, when you find it you will know what to do." She said cheerfully but Naruto sensed a hint of worry in her voice, he also saw Kakashi walking up to the edge and looking down on him.

"Say, Kurumi-san, for what he needs to be down there." Naruto heard Kakashi say, he perked up because he also wanted to know the reason why.

"Simple, if Naruto goes crazy we can drop every destructive Jutsu without him dodging, but I'm sure he won't die...I think." Naruto could only stare blankly at Kuurmi because of her last comment.

'Great.' He thought and closed his eyes, he steadied his breathing and waited. Several seconds later he felt a slight pull on his mind so he just relaxed, few seconds later he opened his eyes and sighed in relieve. Instead of the earthy walls of the shaft Naruto found himself in the middle of a burned out field and his hands are once more free, he noticed that something similar to snow was falling around him but Naruto know better, the smell of burning wood was clear.

'Ash, the last time I was here there was nothing like this.' Naruto thought and looked around, he instantly noticed that what was once a beautiful forest was now a large gathering of burned trees, he looked in front of himself and set his gaze at the mountain in the distance.

"No wonder I'm so weak, time to tame the beast." He said and began to walk in the direction of the mountain, his eyes full of determination.


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